Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #190,901  
59F partly cloudy day mid 70's for high.

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Plans for today...finish planting garden,sharpen blades on riding mower than putter.

Enjoy your day all/
   / Good morning!!!! #190,902  
Good Morning
64° and forecast to gain about 20° by 5pm. Partly cloudy throughout the day.

Yesterday didn’t follow any plan.
I ordered 2000 feet of hePEX for the radiant heat, and some fittings to pressure test it once it’s installed.
Neighbor with the tractor that I was going to charge the AC on, brought me a welding project instead. He broke a piece on the implement that lifts the plastic mulch that he uses for the rows of pumpkins. It was a pretty ugly break, he didn’t want to take the time to repair it properly, but we got it back together. I suspect that I haven’t seen the last of it though.
Helped oldest son assemble new patio furniture and watched grandson frolic in the semi arctic pool for a while.

Got out the pressure washer and foam cannon to wash mine and my daughter’s cars.



Certainly didn’t do a detail quality job, just soaped them up, hit them with a long handled truck brush, rinsed and chamois’d with the Stihl blower. But they were shiny with no signs of pollen or bird poop when I was done.

Today we’re going out to breakfast again, this time youngest sone and wife are coming as well. After that the boys are coming over to play music around 11, as we didn’t get together on Friday evening. Maybe after that, I’ll visit the little plane, or get some RC planes out.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,903  
Good morning! 76˚F Skies becoming clear with a SW wind. heading to 99, This will be the hottest day of the year so far.

Contracts signed just waiting for a smooth closing in about a month. Buckeye there are a lot of houses (140) on the market in this neighborhood and the average selling time is 60 - 90 days.
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   / Good morning!!!! #190,904  
good morning, heavy rain storm yesterday late afternoon, all watered now and very timely after seeding and planting. Nice day today

Took the splitter out at the barn to split a stash of oversized firewood and made good progress before tripping and somehow got back the balance however found out how hot a muffler can be and got burnt on the palm of the hand. Turns out there was a hole in the glove. Brought back memories of how painful burns can be
   / Good morning!!!! #190,905  
USPS has sent 5 emails today that they are going to deliver an Amazon package to me on Tuesday, they emailed 4 times yesterday. Package was due yesterday, maybe they need to concentrate on delivering mail instead of emails.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,906  
67 this morning got all yard mowed twice now at correct four in height. Cleaned deck on toro weed eating day today still sneezing from yesterday. Hot tub needs water changed top cleaned.

Still have some leaves to blow in back yard and under porch.

Prayers for all silent or spoken our Country

Glad home sold so quick Don, glad back safe and sound from trip mostly
   / Good morning!!!! #190,907  
USPS has sent 5 emails today that they are going to deliver an Amazon package to me on Tuesday, they emailed 4 times yesterday. Package was due yesterday, maybe they need to concentrate on delivering mail instead of emails.
I got a USPS package yesterday. Must have gotten 10 emails about its delivery. It was scheduled for delivery on 5/29. Good part is it arrived 4 days early. 🤗🤠
   / Good morning!!!! #190,908  
70 and fog lifting, but cloudy. Heading to 88. Nice T-storm early this am.

Buppies, I mowed yesterday...I only have half the area down to correct height.

I managed to split the remainder of my rounds, now that the phoebes fledged and gave me my shelter back for a short while before nesting #2 starts. My splitter started in half a pull...a new record...of course, I don't think I ever tried to start it when the temp was in the 80s before. I wasn't even trying to start it...just feed a little gas from the previously run-dry tank to the jumped at the chance to get going...but then was sluggish as the old gas didn't provide enough energy.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,910  
We are mowing five acres of grass she mows on EX Mark me on Toro which is mulching deck hence more mowing when grass is too tall. She has 2.5 more hp I can never catch up.

Paid bill in mail via UPS in January it came back undelivered last week no reason given