Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #198,151  
I went to mexican wed for a taco fix, and ended up with a burrito. Still craving a good taco. The awful stuff at taco bell a week ago was rancid, have no desire to go back there again. One of these days I'll run down to VA just for a torchy taco......
Just found torchy's taco down near rockville MD and one in Nashville. I can see myself giving them a visit sometime...

I ended up borrowing money for college from my parents my last year, and I paid them back, plus paid them back for the car they had bought me my Sr. year.

Plowhog, pretty good restraint only taking one home...

I have always said a college degree will help get you in the door. Sometimes any degree will get you in, but underwater basket weaving degree will have it's limitations. I went into engineering because my older brother had done it. All the females of my family ended up being teachers, two of us became engineers, other 2 boys electronics. youngest went on and got 4 yr degree in computer science. Several of us got masters. I almost went back for a doctorate, but didn't. I also contemplated going to law school once.

Pretty day out, need to go join it.
   / Good morning!!!! #198,152  
Neighbors burn pile is still going today.
   / Good morning!!!! #198,154  
Drew, we came close to living near Pensecola. We owned 4 lots at Holly By the Sea in Navarre. Nice community, but the HOA went off the rails during time time we bought and ready to build. Sophie asked, why Florida when you always wanted to go back to Hawaii?
And here we are. Such a smart wife 😁😁😁
   / Good morning!!!! #198,156  
I likely have one of the more circuitous routes for college.
1st in my HS class to get accepted, College of Pharmacy at Northeastern, even tuition paid 1st year, less than $1000 as I recall. I was able to work in the Dining hall for Room & Board. I loved Boston.Being oldest of 8, I knew this was a stretch for my parents.
But going from a class of 36 to one of over 3000 was maybe more than I bargained for. I decided to take time off at the end year to work and reorient.
Just days after turning 19 got my Draft notice, so I enlisted. While in Basic Training I received my acceptance to change major for fall term. Couldn’t make it.
So then I had 10 years of limbo, wanted to go back to school, but never got it together, but I did learn, not having a degree was an impediment. Education was a major factor in going back in the Army.
Army had a Tuition Assistance program that I took advantage of at Ft Campbell. Army paid tuition for classes on duty time. It was great.
After getting throughly esconced in my job in Hawaii it was back to school. First my AA, then BS in Business via Hawaii Pacific College (now HPU). I was a serious student, often 12 credit hour semesters. TA no longer available, but tuition was affordable. This BS degree was key to getting my direct commission.
I was primarily an infantry officer, but all army officers get an alternate specialty. I decided to be a Comptroller so while at Ft Dix got my MS in Business Administration and got into Comptroller school. Used my VA benefits to pay. Fast forward a few, working my Resource Management/Manpower job in Germany and I get an opportunity to switch to Automation officer with deal that in exchange I could get schooling support. Got my MS in Computer Information Systems from Boston University, mostly paid by VA.

So, from hiccup to AA, BS, 2 MS degrees and no debt. Just took awhile.

My point is Alternatives. Todays tuition is almost beyond belief. How fortunate if parents had the foresight and capability. But I’m totally against these excessive loans. Schools did well years ago, but unfortunately today they just feed at the trough. Yesterday, UH Manoa hired a new President. $645k salary, $7k/month housing, $60k moving expenses. Crazy.
   / Good morning!!!! #198,157  
Mine was not nearly as complex or thorough as your David.
My brother and I both went to state schools, 750 a semester, brother also did room and board, but I commuted.
Kept is cheap, as parents paid for brother, I paid for mine, but parents paid for my car insurance and put me up room+board.
I did a lot of chores though, like rewire the phones in the house and fix a lot of stuff and landscaping (tiny yard). Cleanup etc. I worked most weekends and summers and did odd jobs during the week to pay for gas, food, books, tuition and came out of it with a few dollars in the bank, which I used to go and travel europe, using my Uncles place in the UK as home based. My Grandma helped with plane tickets. My Uncle gave me some dollars for the cross europe tour (hostels and camping).
I had $10/day for food and drink from my savings. That certainly taught me how to budget!
   / Good morning!!!! #198,160  
Lot educated individuals on here, mine was a bit different.
Graduated HS and had enough school and too much of milking cows, so Marines here I come.
Joined then after boot and basic went to Memphis (Millington Navel Air Station) for a year of schools,
Aviation Electronics. Then a few years in different MAG's (Marine Air Groups) then one squadron assignment for Viet Nam. Then got out kicked around the home area for a while got my Class A License (before CDL's) did mechanicing for a Ford tractor dealership, got itchy feet took off to Idaho and did some ranch work for a bit. Stumbled on to job in electronic calibration one night while having a beer, fellow couldn't find anyone to calibrate some "fancy" air monitors. Went out on a Saturday read his manuals performed the calibrations and shortly afterwards I started in Industrial process controls and Instrumentation. Ended up working out of West Texas after the silver bust in Idaho. Took a lot of electronics classes at various collages in Texas, Colorado and then again in NY, ended with several credit hours in excess of a degree but never got one. Was going to get it in NY at a community college, my conservative leanings didn't go over well with much of the filler courses they required.

In a another vein Morning all,
Interesting day for me, had a lazy start then took my pickup in for an oil change. My knees don't like getting in and out of my pit and didn't feel like using the farms shop or my brothers lift.
While they did the oil change and checked over the truck they came to tell my rear brakes were down to 2mm of lining left for a mere $768 or so they would be glad to take care of it for me. So when I got home I started checking prices and ended up ordering new pads and rotors from Summit some nice upgraded Power Stop ones for $282 so next week I'll be making my knees complain for a day or two.

Later on I will try to attach a video of 5 young deer playing this morning.

Stay safe and get well

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