Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #3,721  
55 and sunny here now supposed to hit 80 later...
   / Good morning!!!! #3,722  
61 here now, looks like it will be another nice day. Roy, I am sorry if you have to endure age discrimination it's BS it happens as older employees are more reliable and have a better work ethic than most younger people, and they have more experience too.
   / Good morning!!!! #3,723  
For years I've had a 17" flat screen monitor, hey it was state of the art 12 years ago when I paid way too much for it! The other night I smelled something and I knew the gremlins were releasing smoke from electronics, I just didn't know which one they were emptying. As we all know there is a finite amount of smoke in every electronic device and once released cannot be replaced! Well all of a sudden a thump and a blank screen. I thought the computer died so I'm cussing because I just lost a thousand documents and 5000 pictures, etc.... When I realized the computer was still going but the power light on the screen was out. The power pack died for the monitor. I looked all over for a new one with wife rolling eyes the whole time, but hey I'm a tight wad! So anyway to make a long story even longer, I went to Best Buy last night and got a 23" LED wide screen. $149, way less than I paid for the dinosaur I had. Now I'm sitting 8' from the screen with the wireless keyboard in my lap turning my head side to side trying to read this! :D
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
2012-06-08, 0638

51 degrees and a very nice morning. 81 is the predicted high and sunny all day.
Had a rather intense but fast moving storm yesterday evening...pretty wet this morning and I don't think I'll be chipping today...I don't run wet wood through the chipper.
Interview went good yesterday...but I just got a feeling I'm starting to experience age discrimination. That overt proof, just a feeling.

I am 57. I've had a couple of interviews with 20 something supervisors. Never got a call? Worst part, it's very hard to prove.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
Mornig guys!! Going to my 1st softball practice in 30 years!! Got my coffee, oatmeal done, gonna get in the shower in a few. Senior league, 55+. Surprisingly, only one team in the whole county. Have a good one, guys and girls!!!
   / Good morning!!!! #3,726  
300UGUY said:
Mornig guys!! Going to my 1st softball practice in 30 years!! Got my coffee, oatmeal done, gonna get in the shower in a few. Senior league, 55+. Surprisingly, only one team in the whole county. Have a good one, guys and girls!!!

1 team??? Who do you play?
   / Good morning!!!! #3,727  
toppop52 said:
65 now, 85 later, 90's on the weekend. Gotta mow the half brown grass today, It's very disheartening to put down 300 lbs of seed 200 lbs of food and work fall, winter, and spring only to have a half bare yard because it just won't rain!:mad:


You are an old fart, how come you don't stand there with the hose and water the grass like other old farts do? :D

   / Good morning!!!! #3,728  

You are an old fart, how come you don't stand there with the hose and water the grass like other old farts do? :D


HEY !!! I resent that remark because I am the designated old fart here.

And about the softball team 300UGUY plays should be obvious they play the high school girls teams, which are probably going to kick their a**es :laughing:
   / Good morning!!!! #3,729  
JDgreen227 said:
HEY !!! I resent that remark because I am the designated old fart here.

And about the softball team 300UGUY plays should be obvious they play the high school girls teams, which are probably going to kick their a**es :laughing:

Nay nay moose-breath! You are the designated CROTCHETY OLD FART! :D

   / Good morning!!!! #3,730  
67F clear sky,warming upper 70's..looks like its going to dry out for the next couple of days. :)