Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #66,002  
Good morning, it may be freezing again but it certainly ain't cold - at least not by L4N standards.

For the last couple of mornings the first thing I have seen when opening the door is a bright sliver of moon shining out of a deep blue sky. Only tiny but so bright it's reluctant to hide even after daylight arrives. The Moon That Couldn't Get To Sleep would maybe make a good story I could one day tell to a grandchild. It could start with a carefree dog called Coco, playing Frisbee under the moonlight ...

Coco says it sounds like a great story so far.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,003  
30 and cloudy going to 38.

Randy, we still have a bit of snow in the shady areas, too. May get some flurries today.

I guess my longest drive for something was with a friend driving his Camaro from Charlotte to Seattle to see a girl from high school...not sure this counts because we were driving and camping all over the country that summer, but I had especially marked the plan to go through Bellevue after getting a letter from her. We got there and she told me she had just gotten a boyfriend :( ...but at least her dad took us water skiing on Lake Washington, and her mom made us a great Italian dinner...then on to Mount Rainier.

Back in the summer while cleaning out my shed, I found an old cutting block that one of my FIL's friends had made from maple years wife got excited but it was in bad I put it aside. I got it out yesterday and sanded it for a couple of hours, then seasoned it and got it ready to surprise her. We only give each other filled stockings for Christmas, and they are big, but this won't fit, of course, so I'll give it to her on Christmas eve.

Had the HVAC guy come back yesterday, and think all that was wrong was a bad fix, so hope it keeps working.

Called CenturyLink phone company yesterday since our DSL seems to have spotty slowdowns. Ended up raising our speed from 1.5 to 10 mbps while reducing our monthly bill...may end up going to 25 meg for the same price, but will need a new modem and want to check out the 10 first. The best test was streaming a movie last night...which I did for a few minutes and worked great. Now I need to upload a photo to TBN...that is quite a slow process, and probably won't be much faster on the upload speeds.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,004  
but will need a new modem and want to check out the 10 first.

Let me know your results on a new modem. I want a fast one and one that will have more range than my older apple airport extreme.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,005  
Good morning! 46˚ only getting to 56˚ with North winds.

And a children's author is born. Eric I know a good illustrator in Giddings for your first book.

That reminds me, any snow art from the famous Gidding's artist?

Unfortunately, our little artist is still having difficulties coping right now.

Eric has a poetic way with English, I'm sure it could be a hit.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,006  
3F clear sky mid 20's for high...down in the valley -5F.
No real plans for today...put wildlife pics in order on pc than run back up,afternoon stick my noise outside putter.

Enjoy the day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,007  
31 this morning and headed to 45 today.

Got cows moved into the bottoms yesterday at dark. Need to take some hay down there and scatter around. It’ll prevent them from getting the green runs and make the grass last longer. Have one more field to fix fence and let them have this fall. Then it will be a diet of hay and corn all winter.

Then back to some maintenance at chicken coops. But first it therapy for oldest son. His first session with his communication device.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,008  
Just heard it is national Bill of Rights Day. Thanks to George Mason, one of my favorite Patriots.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,009  
Cannot remember driving a long distance for anything like others. But I did fly to Turin, Italy to replace a fuse in a controller. Replaced fuse and got on the next flight back home. Time at job site, 30 minutes. Travel time, 23 hours and 8,580 miles. Never had time to get jet lag.

I think you take the record, Ron. But your story reminds me of the time three of us were flown from the SF Bay Area to Washington, DC to troubleshoot a laptop computer controlling a monitoring system. When we got there, we found that someone had left a three ring notebook laying on the keyboard, triggering an endless series of letters. Removed the notebook, rebooted the laptop, verified normal operation, went home the next day (we were too late to catch the last flight). Why someone on the other end couldn't be bothered to go look for themselves was never explained to us...

More to the point was the time I found someone that needed a car driven from Ohio to the SF Bay Area, and me and another college kid did it in 42 hours of non-stop driving. My soon to be first wife awaited me on the other end. Her greeting when I arrived? "Oh, it's you". Guess how that one ended up...:duh:
   / Good morning!!!! #66,010  
I flew to hawaii, stayed on north shore, for about a 10 min night job. I went sightseeing during day, did my thing at night, went to pearl harbor, wikiki, diamondhead before getting in plane, slept on way home.