Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #75,073  
Drew if it is the crows they will just work down the row if you lisy
   / Good morning!!!! #75,074  
David- That's a nice "double" rainbow and w/o filters and fancy camera. Thanks for sharing.

RNG- Awesome marble machine video. I had an "Arts Major" roommate in college that had to do a marble run w/i a timeframe. The amount of thought, effort, and fine tuning was incredible. It was "fun" to work out the variables. And thank you for the video of your place. I will never complain about my slope now. I get Blue Gentians and Indian Paintbrush here that impact on mowing patterns here. Still dealing with April showers and Spring thawing here. I would not consider this time of year in NE a pretty one, but the birds are singing.
   / Good morning!!!! #75,075  
If you listen they will be laughing at you
   / Good morning!!!! #75,077  
Got a good start on mowing, done for the day as I watch for the UPS truck. Left the gate open for him, so hopefully will drive down.
   / Good morning!!!! #75,078  
Don- I am trying to wrap my head around all this diet stuff. When I first got sick the high levels of steroids saving my life pushed my poor pancreas over the edge and I became a brittle diabetic. My liver was not a happy camper either. I/We started the "Joslin Diabetic Diet" which evolved to the "South Beach"/"Mediterranean Diet" as I improved and became just a boring, well maintained, insulin dependent diabetic and got a "little loose" with the diet until today. Although my focus is on anti-inflammatory foods the secondary benefit would reduce my ?borderline? high cholesterol levels because there is so much in common with the plant based diet. Inflammatory foods include sugar, artificial sweeteners and additives, all seed based vegetable oils (depends on processing) with the exception being E.V. olive oil and coconut oil (I am really confused about peanut oil?),fried foods, refined/processed flour, dairy products with the possible exception of yogurt?,artificial anything, all grain fed meats especially if the meat has antibiotics and hormones, all processed meats, and all fast foods. Soy products are confusing me. I should cut out the martinis and light beer too, but I am not there yet. My new blood sugar baseline = 140 = :( I called my primary doctor to get my expired prescription for test strips renewed. I need to start testing more regularly to help get a handle on all this.

Do you have the wrong info on olive oil? Omega 6 is inflammatory. Olive oil has a poor ratio of omega 6 to 3 it is 14 to 1. The goal is 4 to 1
Concerning olive oil go to 2 minute mark in this video please: Olive Oil Is Not Healthy - Michael Klaper MD - YouTube

Also listen to reason number 2 here concerning all oils
5 Reasons to Avoid Oils In A Healthy Diet - YouTube

Really i see no reason for oils, eat the whole food not just the liquid fat from the food, it makes no sense.
We saute', make pancakes, french fries, etc. . with no oil. If it calls for oil in a recipe we substitute applesauce. Who needs the liquid fat with all those extra calories and inflammation with the disproportion ratio of omega 6 to 3?
   / Good morning!!!! #75,080  
^^^^^ 6 is bad 3 is good .... More homework.... This is like being back in grad school again. My existing brain cells may protest. :eek: Thanks- J