Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #75,111  
Well, I’ve managed to land in the hospital with this crud finally. Got really sick this morning and Ellen took me to the ER. Breathing treatments, Roceferin + Azrithromiacin and I’m feeling much better! View attachment 550799

Looking at the positive aspect, you’ll get better.
So take take and do it.
Thank you Ellen.
   / Good morning!!!! #75,113  
As I took that little walk around yesterday, I started to wonder why I knock myself out every year trying to mow all of it. Last year I let an even steeper section to the east go without mowing; I never go to that portion of the property anyway. This year I'm thinkin' anything more than 200' from the house will not see the mower unless it's easy to get to or would be an eyesore if let go. That'll also cut out a lot of the steeper sections as well.

I can relate. When we first bought, the property had been pasture since it’s cane days. I had delusions of mowing the whole 21 acres. Over the years I may have approached 15, but not lately. These days I concentrate on the inner 6 acres fenced to keep the dogs in (and keep pigs out) and along the driveway. I don’t even keep a driveable path around perimeter any more.

Sure glad I don’t have your steep areas. You sure do have some nice views. I know I enjoy mine while mowing.
   / Good morning!!!! #75,114  
Thank you Ellen indeed, what a Godsend she has been!

Some things are meant to be.:cool: I am glad she was there for you. And she deserves thanks.

I hope you are and will be taking it real easy. As you know it takes a long time to really recover.

There's never a good time for having pneumonia, but it's particularly hard this is time of year with all the emerging allergens and having "The List" hanging over one's head.

Take care- J
   / Good morning!!!! #75,115  
Thank you Ellen indeed, what a Godsend she has been!

Tornadoes do hit MI. Last major one in my hometown was 1956. Recent history has major ones staying below I-94 and OH, IN and IL borders. We have a shelter area in cellar to go too in case conditions are right and near. Unlike most homes today. Ours is built with cement blocks.
   / Good morning!!!! #75,116  
Some things are meant to be.:cool: I am glad she was there for you. And she deserves thanks.

I hope you are and will be taking it real easy. As you know it takes a long time to really recover.

There's never a good time for having pneumonia, but it's particularly hard this is time of year with all the emerging allergens and having "The List" hanging over one's head.

Take care- J

Last time took about 6 weeks but I don’t feel as badly this time. We will see.
   / Good morning!!!! #75,118  
"Cumulus mamma clouds must be distinguished from mammatus clouds. The mammatus cloud formations are very distinct in that the formations look like the udders of a cow or like a woman's breasts. The mammatus clouds tend to look heavy and for some people ominous, whereas the cumulus mamma clouds do not portray that representation. The cumulus mamma clouds appear substantially lighter than the mammatus clouds and tend not to be grouped on a large base. The mammatus clouds usually appear as a large formation of udders that hang from the sky and if coupled with lighting, can provide an interesting and often inspiring visual presentation."- internet source

Actually those clouds were mammatus. Those udders :cool:

Cloud **** on TBN. :laughing: I bet somewhere there's a rule about that.:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
   / Good morning!!!! #75,119  
Good afternoon. Had a visit from a friend today and then went to Costco and stocked up. Will likely lay low the rest of the day.

Randy, are you really sick or just getting attention? Prayers for you quick healing.

Ron, The trailer still has some boxes in it. The charity they are going to is in the same drive as the storage unit the lawn tractor is in.

Kyle, sounds like a good idea, never tried that one before.

Have a good one. Ed
   / Good morning!!!! #75,120  
tomorrow I need to get some bird netting over these blueberries. Blueberries in the morning dew.
planted peppers until I just couldn't do it anymore, not wanting a repeat of last night's cramps, and then mowed the lawn, enjoying being able to sit down.
Then put triple ten fertilizer down on the corn and potatoes, using up what I had.
I'd even hoe some corn tomorrow if my new hoe would come in. US made. And lightweight.
A full consumer review to follow.

Didn't get a chance to fiddle with the Super A cultivators yet, need another full day of peppers and tomato planting, but then will try to reinstall them.
And thinking positively...since my potatoes are just lush as can be and while they will never be as big as Texas potatoes (by definition, the largest ;))
they are looking just as happy as can be. Storm coming through tonight, hopefully it will dump just a little more rain to settle all the fertilizer I put down today.
Cleaned the flinger carefully and put it away.
In order that I could put the potato plow on.
Except...once again, angle problems.
That's only an 18 inch top link as it is, going to TSC tomorrow to see if they make a midget one.
Otherwise, I'm going to unloosen the plowshare bolts, and add two or three thick washers to the top bolt as spacers.
I know it will "pull down" but I sure don't want to practice on my potatoes. Too bad I don't have a hydraulic toplink on this tractor.

Color of flowers on black raspberries or are they blackberries, I can never get that straight, are really pretty, plant/bush is like a runaway octopus, it wants to go
everywhere but I stay on top of it and corral it back into the fold. My True Blu potatoes are thriving in the raised bed, along with La Ratte fingerlings with the middle rows being leftover
white potatoes from last year. Everything out in the fields are red potatoes, so my little house garden is just for fun stuff, like these gift potatoes.
Going to be lots and lots of strawberries if I get that netted also.

Ants are on the peonies. That was always a sure sign the weather was warming growing up, we had peonies all over the farm.


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