Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #184,961  

How would you repair wood pecker damage like this. Asking for a neighbor.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,962  
View attachment 849311
How would you repair wood pecker damage like this. Asking for a neighbor.
Body filler. Put some backing in there, coat with boddy filler (keeping it below the surface), let harden. Then recoat multiple times, little at a time. When it's filled, use the premixed final coat filler to smooth and contour to match.

We used to fix them all the time this way, when I worked for Oppel-Jenkins builders.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,965  
Good (Tuesday) morning. Overnight Low of 13.2C and it's presently 24.6C, partly overcast with a gentle breeze.

Just a quick trip into town planned IOT book a venue for a meeting for next month and then I think I'll drive over to Pyengana to get some cheese for raffle prizes for a meeting, in Ross, this Saturday.

I reckon that it's 'time' to organise having the paddocks limed this Autumn. It's been a number of years and they're looking 'tired'.

That's about it, take care all.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,966  
Afternoon all! Temps hovering between 32 and 33 all day. Snow cleanup is done. Around 5 inches of heavy wet stuff! Used the walk behind blower and it did ok. Still waiting on parts for the big blower. Looks like big cold spell coming after today with nights in the teens and single digits. At least day time temps will be seasonal! Going to just chill for the rest of the day.
Brother asked me to make a large paddle for when he is making pickles in a large kettle. I made one 19 inches long.(biggest I could make on my machine). Wife saw the completed one and wanted something too. So I made her my first spoon ever.
That's it for now. Need a nap!
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
View attachment 849281View attachment 849282
Th paddle looks almost like a foundry tool for packing sand…
   / Good morning!!!! #184,968  
Good evening all. 38ºF for the start, mostly clear sky, light breeze. Light wind, mostly clear sky, and high temp was 71ºF. Puttered with laundry, got 1 bill paid, got registered for Bike across Kansas, had to arrange for tent service separately. Did get bike ride (nice weather) and nap in, have pot of spaghetti sauce reducing on stove. Stepdaughter has laid claim to half the sauce and half the meatloaf in the works. As she is good cook I take as compliment :).
Bill fixing watch should be piece of cake. Hope North Bay run goes well.
Ron Trees should be getting close to done, unless you are like me and put off trimming until half the tree needed trimmed away. Lions did well till sometime in 3rd qtr. Hope physical went well today. Nice pic :)
Ron friend must really like winter! Thanks for the link.
Drew sorry for the early up and molar may not be fixed. Hope pansey seeds do well. Doubt Chinese have anywhere near the safety regs US does. Never saw a Yugo in the wild :)
NHBX plenty of snow to work on. Have fun with snow control.
Kilroy glad no winter mix. Not much left of the pork loin :) . Hope work was entertaining today.
Billy glad you got a hike in in spite of the soggy ground. Hope your survived taxes today :)
Mike hope you got the concrete remains moved and paperwork done. Hope the tile guy is happy now :)
Thomas Hope work went well, and snow control went well. I think you earned feet up and supper !
Buppies sorry to hear abut upset stomach. prayers you feel better.
Scott(vt) sorry about cold front, I was warmer than you today :).
Don good to hear haw good knee is doing. Hope shoulder responds as well. Good luck with fence removal.
Ken hoped the rain stopped. Sorry you are at such a low energy state. Hope the stages turn out good. Good pic
Paul hope new antenna fixes your problem. Glad band wants you to come back and you enjoyed playing with them.
Lou hope you can do something with driveway and you can find better seal price.
Drew looking at the sale brochure , I would think the chains will work on tractor.
Drew hope the system works for you.
RNG thank for the video link. Tooling around on the e-bikes sounds like fun. Hope the rest the schlepping went well and is done.
Two_bit if I more i is for leaf control, nothing is growing here.
Ted sorry no moisture in forecast. Glad you got some good sleep. Hope it continues. Hope errands were productive.
Mike sorry something else came up and concrete removal stopped.
David glad you got some clues as to how dog gets in. Would be a hoot if it is jumping the fence. Hope zoom HH went well.
Phil neat paddle and spoon hope nap was as good as your wood working. Thanks for pics
Lou good to hear your happy with the results Thanks for pics.
Drew I have trouble paying that kind of money for a game that may or may not be worth watching.
Dennis hope you get insurance worked out. Hope you get a vacation :)
Scotty glad you are enjoying semi retirement.
Thomas sorry Mrs cramping your style. Hope your evening plan worked out.
Paul if the Eagles were going would you have some trips?
Scott(vt) it always amazed how much more money people have than sense. Thanks for pics.
Frits hope you don't get caught in the "crossfire".
Don I put tin over the hole. I painted it brown so it less obvious, but had to reside house when we sold it.
Randy(wag) hope your trip was successful.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Ron /heart, Billy /mom hypertension & congestive heart failure, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer, parathyroid,blood sugar /wife healing, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad possible dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Mark /sister liver transplant and recovery, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /land development, /favorable winds not in the forecast there, /dad surgery recovery, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, and Country.

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