Got embarressed refilling Viagra

   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #11  
Funny stuff guys. I have to tell you my experience now. My wife, Sharn Jean, sent me to the store. One of the things on the list was a feminine item that although I, of course knew what it was, I was, however, not versed enough to be able to distinguish among the different types, such as "super", "regular", etc. I finally saw that no one else was in the isle, so I made a dash down where these items were displayed and began frantically scanning the merchandise with the particular characteristics she had detailed on the list.

While I was studying the merchandise, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall, well dressed and very attractive women, about 40, turn down the aisle. She spotted me immediately, and I of course turned away my gaze, trying to act nonchalant and self assured. As I stood there a bit befuddled and slightly embarrassed, I noticed that she was not ignoring me, but walked right up to me and looked me right straight in the eye, in spite of my discomfort. She smiled really big, and said: "Now you know how I feel when my husband sends me to the hardware store".

We both laughed our asses off.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #12  
Funny stuff guys. I have to tell you my experience now. My wife, Sharn Jean, sent me to the store. One of the things on the list was a feminine item that although I, of course knew what it was, I was, however, not versed enough to be able to distinguish among the different types, such as "super", "regular", etc. I finally saw that no one else was in the isle, so I made a dash down where these items were displayed and began frantically scanning the merchandise with the particular characteristics she had detailed on the list.

While I was studying the merchandise, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall, well dressed and very attractive women, about 40, turn down the aisle. She spotted me immediately, and I of course turned away my gaze, trying to act nonchalant and self assured. As I stood there a bit befuddled and slightly embarrassed, I noticed that she was not ignoring me, but walked right up to me and looked me right straight in the eye, in spite of my discomfort. She smiled really big, and said: "Now you know how I feel when my husband sends me to the hardware store".

We both laughed our asses off.

Good one 2lane.. That gal has a sense of humor now!
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #13  
That is funny.
Funny stuff guys. I have to tell you my experience now. My wife, Sharn Jean, sent me to the store. One of the things on the list was a feminine item that although I, of course knew what it was, I was, however, not versed enough to be able to distinguish among the different types, such as "super", "regular", etc. I finally saw that no one else was in the isle, so I made a dash down where these items were displayed and began frantically scanning the merchandise with the particular characteristics she had detailed on the list.

While I was studying the merchandise, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall, well dressed and very attractive women, about 40, turn down the aisle. She spotted me immediately, and I of course turned away my gaze, trying to act nonchalant and self assured. As I stood there a bit befuddled and slightly embarrassed, I noticed that she was not ignoring me, but walked right up to me and looked me right straight in the eye, in spite of my discomfort. She smiled really big, and said: "Now you know how I feel when my husband sends me to the hardware store".

We both laughed our asses off.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #14  
After my daughter was born,wife went to doctor,who told her we could resume sexual relations,but he highly recommended we use protection. So I march my self down to pharmacy in small old town,walk up to counter,which had several old ladies standing around it,and announce I need some condoms,only to be told they did not sell them. So then I decide that the bars in town would surely have a machine in the bathroom. Can't walk in a bar,and go straight to restroom,had to stop at bar and get a beer before checking. After doing this at every bar in town,which had many,I came home without condoms,and too drunk to use them if I had found them.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #15  
good stories guys.
After my daughter was born,wife went to doctor,who told her we could resume sexual relations,but he highly recommended we use protection. So I march my self down to pharmacy in small old town,walk up to counter,which had several old ladies standing around it,and announce I need some condoms,only to be told they did not sell them. So then I decide that the bars in town would surely have a machine in the bathroom. Can't walk in a bar,and go straight to restroom,had to stop at bar and get a beer before checking. After doing this at every bar in town,which had many,I came home without condoms,and too drunk to use them if I had found them.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #16  
I'm an inherent cheapskate. I got a free sample from my doc a while back, then had to fill a prescription for more. Not cheap, even with some payment by insurance. My wife had a routine checkup, I told her to get some freebies from the doctor, and he complied. A week later I came in for my 6 month visit, the doctor is an old friend so we talk mostly about cattle, rarely touching on my health which is good anyway. I hit him up for a free sample; he again complied.
I thought it interesting that he didn't mention that my wife had just hit him for the same thing but when i thought it over I could see he was wondering if the missus had a boyfriend or what ?
I believe the Hippocratic Oath starts with... First, do no harm.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #17  
Reminds me of the joke about the guy who goes to the pharmacy and buys a gross (144) package of condoms. He comes back in on Monday and complains to the pharmacist that there was only 143 in the package. The pharmacist says, "I hope it didn't ruin your weekend"
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #19  
Nothing like having to ask an elderly lady at the college pharmacy for condoms that are kept on the other side of the counter!
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #20  
There are some classic stories in this thread! :thumbsup:

I sure needed the laughs and got 'em! :laughing:
