Got embarressed refilling Viagra

   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #21  
There are some classic stories in this thread! :thumbsup:

I sure needed the laughs and got 'em! :laughing:


I agree
Like a good laugh.
Any more???????

   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #22  
My favourite story is that of the young male suitor who showed up at the girl friends house for dinner and to meet the parents for the first time. Later that evening the young lady remarked to her boy that she did not know that he could be so polite and refined. The boy replied that he had wished he had known that her Mother sold the "protection" at the pharmacy.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #23  
Okay, how about when I was about 13 years old and got a position on the baseball team. But, I was told to get a jock strap. I was probably less than 5 feet tall and probably less than 100 lbs. So I'm at the counter with my Dad in a local drug store and the guy ask my Dad "what size"? May Dad looked at me for a minute and I looked back and said "large?". ::confused3:
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #24  
I am retired Military. I spent 20 years as First Sergeant of a Postal (mail) unit. We Deployed a LOT. In 2003 we were running an APO (Army Post Office) out of a crappy little building on an abandoned Iraqi Air Base just outside Tikrit Iraq. The rule was every package Soldiers mailed home had to be searched for contraband. Usually looking for explosive items.

One day the APO was extremely busy with 20-25 Soldiers standing in line waiting to mail stuff home. I was observing my Inspectors to make sure they were thorough. SPC Waltner, 22 year old, 2nd year in the Army was inspecting a Female Officer's package. It was a medium sized plastic footlocker stuffed completely full. He rummaged thru it for a minute or so and suddenly stopped. He stepped back and redfaced said "Ma'am to you have the batteries removed from all your devices?" She replied "yes". He said "Ma'am are you sure you have the batteries removed from all your devices"? She then gave him the I'm better than you because I'm an Officer and you are just a peon idiot. "YES I HAVE THE BATTERIES REMOVED FROM ALL MY DEVICES"!!!! Now everyone standing in line have became quiet and are watching my Soldier get his butt chewed by a female Officer. Waltner looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, and dug into her footlocker. While everyone is watching he retrieves a "manly" sized electric ***** and holds it over his head so everyone can see it. Then he said "How about this huge ***** Ma'am"? The whole APO busted into roaring laughter. Catcalls, whistles, the whole bit. I was laughing so hard I cried. The Officer started yelling at my Soldier to put that away!!!! I stepped in then and said "Ma'am you can not mail your ***** home with batteries installed, if you cannot comply you must leave my APO". Red faced and humbled now she hastily threw her stuff all back in the locker and dragged it out the door. All the Soldiers there got a great laugh outta that one. I spent 38 years as an Army Non-Commissioned Officer. I loved it when Officers did stupid stuff like that!!! :D
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #25  
In case this might be of assistance to others on this forum, it seems the medical community is keeping the existance of the first legal generic version of Viagra very quiet indeed. It has in fact been on sale since 2013.

If you are currently being prescribed Viagra, you might want to ask your physician why he has not considered giving you a script for Revatio ? Here is a link to a writeup on this generic, and it lists prices for the drug at well known pharmacies (not some sort of online store). At Wallmart, for example it is less than $1 per 20mg dose or $22.84/month. Yes, it is a 20mg dose, but even those who need a 50mg dosage will save a fairly considerable amount of money compared to any of the alternatives..

Thank you. This was a public service announcement..

edit: I forgot to mention that sildenafil is the generic version of Revatio... Sorry for the omission.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #26  
I like that. Great information. Non condescending. Not some cousin Fred story about taking baby aspirin and getting the same benefit.

Thanks for chiming in Westcliffe01. :)
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #27  
Good stuff guys, thanks for the laughs. :thumbsup:
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #28  
Thanks Oversized I needed the laugh.:laughing:
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #29  
I suppose this will drive this thread downhill: I was told that a poor person's Viagra was two popsicle sticks and some duct tape.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #30  
Very funny... Wonder how that idea appeals to your lady ? Especially long term ?