Great Horned Owl

   / Great Horned Owl #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
I have been hearing owl calls in my woods for years, and recently decided to look up the type of owl calls.

I find that the one that I recognize the most is the great horned owl, the typical hoo hoo hoooooo hoo hoo.

When I was young I grew up on a large lake in NE Indiana, across the lake was a very large state park, and I recall being somewhat frightened by a rumor that was going around that there was a huge Great Horned Owl in the park that was attacking people.

My next door neighbor was a elderly gentleman who had mentored me in many ways, he was a retired tool make and had fostered my eventual mechanical interest.

He stated that he didnt think that owls attacked people so I just assumed the rumors were all wrong, but when I started investigating the sounds I found out that Great Horns can be aggressive.

Has enyone ever seen an owl attack a human?
   / Great Horned Owl #2  
We have them here and I've never had a problem walking at night.
   / Great Horned Owl #3  
...Has enyone ever seen an owl attack a human?

Nope. But when I was a kid, we had a border collie mix that would cower at the back door scratching to get in anytime an owl hooted. We have no idea why she was so scared of owls. :rolleyes:
   / Great Horned Owl #4  
We have them around our house. Never heard of them attacking people. We went to a local park with my kids several years ago and they had wildlife expert there talking about owls. They had an injured great horn with them. They can be aggressive and said there was a documented case where on killed a bald Eagle. I picked up a baby one once that had fallen out of its nest and put it in the limb of a tree. It was pretty good sized but I was surprised how light it was.
   / Great Horned Owl #5  
I don't know anyone attacked by an owl, but it apparently happens.

When owls attack – Craig Medred

ETA: It seems to me that the most likely scenario would be the owl protecting its nest or young. Even a duck can be surprisingly aggressive when protecting her ducklings.
   / Great Horned Owl #6  
I live in Northern Wisconsin where they are quite common. Never even thought about an owl attack at night. Your far more likely to get buzzed by a bat chasing mosquitos then be worried about owls.
Old wives tale maybe ???
   / Great Horned Owl #7  
Surrounded by nesting GHO here, got video from camera I mounted in next tree over for 10 years.
Had GHO fly by 10 feet away, many times, no threat, just headed to nest.

GHO not aggressive bird, sit on lip of nest and talk wid me about der day and local squirrel population. Nice neighbors.
   / Great Horned Owl #8  
Attack nope but have owls land real close by check out my hat mittens etc.
   / Great Horned Owl #9  
Attack nope but have owls land real close by check out my hat mittens etc.

Hunting buddy and I were out one night with a wounded rabbit call, trying to call up a coyote. Instead we had the biggest darned owl I have ever seen just about take our scalps off! Cleaned out our pants and went home.
   / Great Horned Owl #10  
Hunting buddy and I were out one night with a wounded rabbit call, trying to call up a coyote. Instead we had the biggest darned owl I have ever seen just about take our scalps off! Cleaned out our pants and went home.

Years back had good size owl show up 3 evens setting at edge of front field so I decide to try something ;) I tried small brown mitten to fishing pole line cast it out and sure enough owl show up,couple little wiggles of the mitten owl quickly swoop down upon mitten :eek: soon as the step back I yank the mitten never seen owl jump that high before.

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