Happy BIRD-day!

   / Happy BIRD-day! #111  
25# of peanuts in the shell is a gift that keeps the fingers young!:D
Glad you enjoyed them.
   / Happy BIRD-day! #112  
Bird, have you ever had boiled green peanuts? My neighbor has lots of relatives in Georgia and had them send him a case of microwaveable boiling bags of boiled green peanuts. They're in salt water in the bag, and you put them into the microwave for 90 seconds to heat them up. They don't get hot, just warm. When you crack open the shell, they are saturated with the salt water. I found them a bit rubbery and frankly, slimy.:p My neighbor loves them and said his kids and grandkids love them, but I'll take the roasted Lee County Peanut Co.'s peanuts anyday to those boiled green peanuts.

Georgia/Carolina members, please don't be offended. We often develop a taste for things from a lifetime of eating them. I can see where some folks might have a taste for boiled green peanuts, but I just don't care for them.:(

Well, this is from 2 years ago (post #106), and I said I'd never eaten boiled peanuts; never even seen any. However, I've noticed recently that the Walmart on University Drive in Denton has Margaret Holmes Peanut Patch Boiled Green Peanuts and Barbecued Boiled Peanuts; 25 oz. cans with the instructions to heat (not boil) in a saucepan on the stove or 1.5 to 2 minutes in the microwave, drain and serve. For $1.98 a can, I just had to try a can of each.

I never knew before that you could destroy peanuts, but that is terrible.:eek: I wonder if they can be roasted in the shell on a cookie sheet in the oven; i.e., dried and roasted. I think I'll try that before throwing them in the garbage, but I'm not optimistic that they can be salvaged.
   / Happy BIRD-day! #113  
Bird, My Father had a co-worker from India who used to come out and pick the green peanuts and boil them. I'm like you - it just messes them up.

My 1st peanut crop is still surviving the summer. Now all I have to do is figure out exactly when to pull them and how to dry them. If they look edible, I'll ship you a small bag (it's a small trial garden) to see if they taste like the original Lee County peanuts of years gone by.... Don
   / Happy BIRD-day! #114  
Good luck with them, Don. Our youngest daughter's husband said when he was stationed in Georgia, it seemed there was a boiled peanut stand about every 5 miles along the highway, but said he never heard of heating them. And our older daughter was here a few minutes ago. She put one of the boiled peanuts about halfway into her mouth before taking it back out.:laughing: However, our Chihuahua, who loves peanuts almost as much as I do, ate one of them.:D
   / Happy BIRD-day! #115  
The ones in a can are awful, but if you can get the bigun's, and boil them yourself, my whole family will about eat themselves sick on them. I've found one place in Florida to get them where they were always consistent- it was on hwy 60 going towards Tampa around Mulberry. They were always just salty enough and I would buy several pounds of them and take them to my daughter, son, etc, when I was traveling past that stand.
   / Happy BIRD-day! #116  
The ones in a can are awful, but if you can get the bigun's, and boil them yourself, my whole family will about eat themselves sick on them. I've found one place in Florida to get them where they were always consistent- it was on hwy 60 going towards Tampa around Mulberry. They were always just salty enough and I would buy several pounds of them and take them to my daughter, son, etc, when I was traveling past that stand.

I agree that the ones in a can are awful.:laughing: These are big peanuts, still in the shell, in brine in the can. And today I found that one of my brothers tried some in Georgia, a friend tried some just off the east end of the bridge at Vicksburg, and the ones they tried were not in a can, but they also were awful.:laughing: And a son-in-law was once stationed in Georgia and said it seemed that they had a boiled peanut stand about every 5 miles along the highway. So they must be popular, but someone else can have my share. I'll stay with roasted peanuts. My favorite was when I bought the raw shelled peanuts in Giddings, TX, and roasted them myself, but the Spanish Redskins, Cocktail, Dry Roasted, Roasted in the Shell, etc. will do. Very, very seldom does a day go by that I don't have at least 2 to 4 ounces of peanuts.
   / Happy BIRD-day! #117  
... I'll stay with roasted peanuts. My favorite was when I bought the raw shelled peanuts in Giddings, TX, and roasted them myself, but the Spanish Redskins, Cocktail, Dry Roasted, Roasted in the Shell, etc. will do. Very, very seldom does a day go by that I don't have at least 2 to 4 ounces of peanuts.

Yup, there good all those ways too. I don't know or remember where I got to liking them - maybe from my Dad. Of course, he was a commercial fisherman and I didn't like fish :ashamed:.. Many times, everybody would be just enjoying the heck out of fresh catch or Lobster he had traded some of his fish for and I would be having my Hot Dog - go figure.
   / Happy BIRD-day!
  • Thread Starter
Bird, my neighbor just can't understand why I don't love those boiled peanuts, but they just seemed nasty in my mouth. I just couldn't spit them out fast enough.:p It seems you and I share the same gastro-rejection response.:D I know some folks have the same response to raw, pickled, or boiled okra and that's just what makes the world go 'round.
   / Happy BIRD-day! #119  
Bird, my neighbor just can't understand why I don't love those boiled peanuts, but they just seemed nasty in my mouth. I just couldn't spit them out fast enough.:p It seems you and I share the same gastro-rejection response.:D I know some folks have the same response to raw, pickled, or boiled okra and that's just what makes the world go 'round.

Yep, Jim, I tried roasting those boiled peanuts on a cookie sheet in the oven to see if that would help them. It didn't, so I threw them all in the garbage.:laughing: And my wife likes okra - fried only! As you know, I like pickled, boiled, and fried. I only tried it raw when, some years ago, I had a secretary who carried her lunch to work and frequently included raw pods of okra. It's not bad at all.