Starting update: I was reading articles on different injector cleaners options and ran across multiple posts on filling fuel filter with sea foam both to help prime and clean system. So Sunday I removed filter bowl and filled with sea foam. Started right up zero sputtering, minimal smoke. Ran it for around 2 hours anywhere from idle to full throttle, heavy load to little load tilling my garden and doing winter to summer implement shuttle.
Monday tried stating again it sputtered less but still missed on one cylinder for a few seconds.
Is the sea foam more volatile than diesel fuel so would be less prone to missing if injector is not spraying properly?
Heading into spring planting season so might be a couple weeks before get back to looking at this.
Monday tried stating again it sputtered less but still missed on one cylinder for a few seconds.
Is the sea foam more volatile than diesel fuel so would be less prone to missing if injector is not spraying properly?
Heading into spring planting season so might be a couple weeks before get back to looking at this.