The Land Conservancy is another consumer of farm land. They generally have a different view. While no homes will be built on the land, they generally dont allow row crops or heavy grazing (at least in MY area). They generally offer to contribute $10,000-$15,000 per acre in exchange for the rights to regulate the lands usage and do offer an alternative to plastic boxes placed 50 feet apart destroying the landscape. In exchange, you have limited rights placed on what you can do with your land. I am a farmer for 3 different Land Conservancies in my area and they are generally logical and reasonable to work with. They assign “Land Managers” to specific plots of farm land and each one is different in their approach. I have to work with each one. Challenging, but at the same time kind of interesting. They also offer unique lines of work related to farming (road maintenance, fencing, field mowing, construction, etc.)