Our small town doesn't have coffee shops, restaurants or art stores and we like it like that. Closest coffee shop is 45 miles (an hour or so) away, closest small grocery store (a hometown mart) ~20 miles away, real grocery store, 45 miles. Closest street light, 20+ miles - there are the odd security light here & there though. All of us out here like it that way. What we don't particularly care for are the big city folk that think our county roads are their public trash cans or come here expecting that all of us are going to change for them. Had one that (tried to) petition the county into paving all the county maintained gravel roads by increasing our property taxes and taking away the farm exemption on property. Needless to say they didn't get many signatures.
I believe we are a very accepting community, we don't care who you know, who you are or who you've been. We are almost always available to lend a helping hand, but don't intrude. We tend to just like most everybody until they screw us over then the party is over.