Horse meat

   / Horse meat #71  
We had a German language teacher from Oklahoma...

Spreken Ze Deutch ya'll


I didn't know anyone spoke German in Oklahoma.;) My sophomore year in High School was in Marlow, OK. They offered Spanish language classes and I signed up for that; tried to get some of my buddies to do so, too, but none of the guys wanted to do that. So it turned out to just be me and 7 girls; very enjoyable class.:D However, you had to take 2 years of Spanish to get 2 credits; for just one year you got no credit. And that summer, we moved to Marietta, OK, and they didn't have any foreign language classes, so I never got that second year. In fact, I never even knew of another high school that offered any foreign language classes.
   / Horse meat #72  
I took Home Ec my senior year, me and 17 girls, I ate well and got all my clothes repaired as well as a little back room action!:D

I took French but I'm far better at Mexicanish, I can say "see sen-your" And bwainose deeose and all that stuff!
   / Horse meat #74  
I didn't know anyone spoke German in Oklahoma.;) My sophomore year in High School was in Marlow, OK. They offered Spanish language classes and I signed up for that; tried to get some of my buddies to do so, too, but none of the guys wanted to do that. So it turned out to just be me and 7 girls; very enjoyable class.:D However, you had to take 2 years of Spanish to get 2 credits; for just one year you got no credit. And that summer, we moved to Marietta, OK, and they didn't have any foreign language classes, so I never got that second year. In fact, I never even knew of another high school that offered any foreign language classes.

I took three years of Spanish in H.S. Fairly well mixed boys and girls. However, I took two semesters of typing. 30 girls and 1 other guy. Also, I was trying to get in good with the typing teacher because she had a mint condition white 67 Chevelle that I was trying to get her to sell me. Never got the car but did get an A in typing and met a lot of nice girls. Didn't think I'd ever use that skill back then, but today, I'm glad I took the class.
   / Horse meat #75  
Funny story. I never much cared for either France or the French Language. Every time I visited Northern France I got sick from the bad food and turned off by rude people. Loved southern France tho. Anyway, when my son was registering for a language in high school the registering person was blatantly pushing for him to take French. Finally, I butted in and said, "I would really prefer that he take a civilized language like German or Spanish." She huffed and made a looks could kill face at me. My son turned to me and said "Dad, She is the French teacher." Oops! Anyway, he took German and it was a good thing as he was hired by a Dutch firm and subsequently spent three years in Germany.
   / Horse meat #77  
I've eaten a lot of horse meat. The first time I ate horse was in the early 1970s while on vacation in Quebec. There was a cafe there that catered to American tourists. They had catchy names for all the horse dishes, e.g., The Pinto Burger, The Filly Cheesesteak, etc. I had a burger; it was nothing to write home about. The next time was in 1992-1993 when I served with the French in Sarajevo. We ate lots of horse that year and although it pretty much sucked it was better than French combat rations which are the worst I've ever eaten -- even worse than Brit rations.

On the subject of dog meat: The camp where I was stationed in Korea was next door to the country's largest commercial dog farm. They raised a long legged white dog that looked to have a lot of bird dog in it, maybe pointer. Supposedly although "black dog number one GI" this breed of white dog produced more meat with the smallest amount of feed so that's what they raised to sell to restaurants and butcher markets. They make a spicy dog soup that the Korean manual laborers and infantrymen eat on the hottest days of summer to "thin the blood so you can work harder". It is like drinking a scalding pot of Tabasco sauce with chunks of Thai peppers and dog meat in it. I ate a lot of it in order to be polite to my hosts but to this day I have no idea what dog tastes like unless it is the taste of flames.
   / Horse meat #78  
I guarantee I ate dog, horse, jackass, mule, cat, lizard, snake, birds of many feathers, elephant, and supposedly tiger although I had no proof of the tiger. At any rate it sucked, but beat starvation.
   / Horse meat #79  
Saw an article where horse meat was found being served in schools and other places as beef in the UK currently.

Horsemeat scandal: 'fresh beef' discovery as tests overwhelm laboratories | UK news | The Guardian

This has blown into a massive scandal here in the UK. Our biggest supermarket Tesco was found to have horse meat in some of its frozen burgers, also in some of its frozen Lasagne ready meals.

Opinions regarding whether or not one wishes to or minds eating horse meat varies greatly. However, in this case it is about the fact that the products were not meant to contain horse. It turns out the factories producing the foods claim to have not known the meat they were processing wasn't beef. According to the news broadcasts the origins of said meat was France, where horse meat is regarded as quite acceptable to eat.

I haven't knowingly eaten any horse, but I don't think I'd be averse to trying it.
   / Horse meat #80  
What do you call a dog in the Phiippines? Live stock.
