I'm stumped..

   / I'm stumped.. #21  
Re: I\'m stumped..

For cutting through some of the stubborn roots that the hoe couldn't break, I dug around them with the hoe and then rinsed them off with some water then cut them with my chain saw. When I went in to one of my big projects, I figured I was just going to sacrifice a chain. Then I bought a Dremel chain saw sharpening attachment. I abused that chain like you wouldn't believe and that Dremel tool kept sharpening it like new. I am still using the same chain today. The chainsaw attachment was less that $20.... Well worth it. Also, RDalley's suggestion about leaving more stump to work with is a good one. On the smaller stumps I try to cut the tree off as high as possible to get leverage to tip it over.

   / I'm stumped.. #22  
Re: I\'m stumped..


I go around the tree and pull out the roots. If it won't go, I move a little further down the root until I reach a point where it gives. One thing you want to be careful about is tension. When you're pulling on the root be careful it doesn't snap and throw something in your face. I have seen it recommended that you always pull upwards rather than towards you. Experience will tell you the best way to pull.

   / I'm stumped..
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Re: I\'m stumped..

Well, I hope to get at the first of them this weekend.. Much thanks for all the good advice. I'm hoping I dont' unearth monsters like in those photos!!

I have a feeling that my excavation will be complicated by the rocks in this area. I can't dig a hole for a sapling without hitting mega rocks it seems.

but, that's another project!
   / I'm stumped.. #24  
Re: I\'m stumped..

the best way i've found to remove stumps is to hire a contractor with a track hoe with about a 2-4 foot bucket......(about $60-75/ hr. here) and save your tractor for clean up work.......
or hire a stump grinder guy or rent one if you just want to do the work......save your tractor for YOUR fun /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
same with the rocks.............

good luck,
   / I'm stumped..
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Re: I\'m stumped..

Actually, despite the work.. I still have fun doing anything with the tractor!
   / I'm stumped.. #26  
Re: I\'m stumped..

Jibber, Right you are. Don't we buy these things to work?
In fact I'm often surprised with some of the photos I've seen on this site. Some of these tractors don't look like they get much use. I've dug tons of stumps out with a B21 and it's rewarding work. If you're not scratching or breakin' something once in awhile then maybe you should have bought a mercedes or something. Enjoy your stump removal
   / I'm stumped.. #27  
Re: I\'m stumped..

Amen! My wife keeps tellin' me to keep my tractor clean. What!!!??? It's a TRACTOR for Pete's sake. Its supposed to be dirty. Next thing, I'll have to take my overalls to the cleaners to get them pressed. ARGHHH!
   / I'm stumped.. #28  
Re: I\'m stumped..

This is what I did also... time/money well spent (a dozer) when you have many trees stumps to remove (leave a couple feet on the stump for the dozer to use in getting it out of the ground)... for a tree here or there... I take it down to as close to the ground as possible (with a chainsaw) ... mostly pines around here so.... 3 yrs later, it's pretty well rotted... (especially in hard pan)... then I take my loader to what's left .... If you're patient (as a grower of plants, it's a required quality), this can be a very easy task. For hard woods, I would think the indicated BH approach will work very well.
   / I'm stumped.. #29  
Re: I\'m stumped..

Since you haven't cut the trees down yet, leave the stump a little tall. This will give you some leverage to "wiggle" the stump when it starts to loosen up.

Of course my father, an old timer, thinks i'm crazy for digging up stumps. "just let em rot" he'd say, you'll just beat up the machine. I never did listen well.
   / I'm stumped.. #30  
Re: I\'m stumped..

Here is a method of removing stumps an old timer showed me that really works quite well. It may not appeal to those who want to do it all with their tractor.
As others suggested this works better when you leave the stump long for increased leverage. Dig all the way around the stump removing the dirt and cutting the roots using your backhoe or a shovel and axe if you are less fortunate. At this point the stump will probably still be rooted pretty tight. You then take a 1 ½ ton or so Lever Chain Hoist and anchor it to a nearby tree at the base (right against the ground) using a cable over some material to protect the bark of the tree. Attach the other end around the very top of the stump and pull up on the hoist good and tight. You can use a relatively small tree for and anchor compared to the stump due to difference in height (leverage). Continue to dig, pry, and cut roots on the side away from the hoist. As the stump starts to move you will need to take up the slack on the hoist. Since this is a chain hoist you won’t get that sling shot effect when the stump breaks loose. It works if you have a tree in the area to anchor to.