Ink stains

   / Ink stains #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
I left a red pen in my shirt pocket. I washed the shirt and my girlfriend put it in the dryer when I was at work. Needless to say, she was not very happy when I got home.

I tried Clorox, fantastic, Dap toilet bowl cleaner, goo gone, and comet. Nothing seems to have any affect. Anyone have any suggestions?

   / Ink stains #2  
get a new girlfriend, then a new shirt?

try half water and ammonia in a spray bottle, spray stain, take a white old shirt, and put it on top, then use a iron and try to lift the stain.
   / Ink stains #3  
Are you trying to rescue the shirt or the dryer? I'm guessing the dryer.

Visine used to advertise that it "gets the red out" . . .

Good luck with it!
   / Ink stains
  • Thread Starter
Are you trying to rescue the shirt or the dryer? I'm guessing the dryer.

Visine used to advertise that it "gets the red out" . . .

Good luck with it!
Dryer for sure.
   / Ink stains #6  
Wipe with isopropyl alcohol. Ventilate the dryer well before using.
   / Ink stains #8  
Sounds like you might want to invest in a pocket protector! ;)
   / Ink stains #10  
I'd start with a citrus stain remover, and then try wiping the inside with acetone (dryer off!), and then letting it air out.

There's a laundry pen and ink remover for clothing, but I suspect that you are beyond that now...

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