Insurance is strange!?!

   / Insurance is strange!?! #21  
Ah, slightly different than ours here. They'll take straight up take a tree down that is under the lines. They don't care if its 15 foot tall, or 3 feet. Next/over lines is at their discretion. If they can trim it and maintain distance from the lines, they will. But if over 1/3 of the tree needs trimmed, they'll opt to remove it.
   / Insurance is strange!?! #22  
If you want to see something strange about insurance, see how strange they get when you want to discontinue coverage
   / Insurance is strange!?! #23  
Yeah, is weird here. I would think that line maintenance costs would be less with no trees under the lines.

They say, no. I even ask about burial. Again, too costly.

Yet when they show up every few years, or when a branch takes the lines out, it is a whole crew, two bucket trucks and a pickup.

My line to the house already has been spliced twice.

Ah, slightly different than ours here. They'll take straight up take a tree down that is under the lines. They don't care if its 15 foot tall, or 3 feet. Next/over lines is at their discretion. If they can trim it and maintain distance from the lines, they will. But if over 1/3 of the tree needs trimmed, they'll opt to remove it.
   / Insurance is strange!?! #24  
Same as they will top a tree under the line, but not take it down.
Not down here they won't. I have one that's lifting my supply line to the first pole on my property. They won't touch it. I've been looking for a way to top it myself. I can't find anyone out here to even come look at it. Maybe it's different if you live in a city. :unsure:
   / Insurance is strange!?! #25  
sold my house in pinehurst about 1.5 years ago and the widow buyer wanted me to pay to have a tree removed.

i agreed but.....

she wanted it all done prior to closing.

i wouldn't let them touch the tree until after settlement.

all i could imagine is some tree guy dropping the tree on my neighbors dog who then bites the other neighbor who's watching and they both sue me, probably the dog too. then the house goes into some legal escro until the lawsuit is settled, say 2 years and $25K later.

I was lucky it's a sellers market.
   / Insurance is strange!?! #26  
all i could imagine is some tree guy dropping the tree on my neighbors dog who then bites the other neighbor who's watching and they both sue me, probably the dog too. then the house goes into some legal escro until the lawsuit is settled, say 2 years and $25K later.

I was lucky it's a sellers market.

Ha! You made me laugh.

Good read early in the morning. You were really thinking ahead!

   / Insurance is strange!?! #27  
Our utility will take a tree down that threatens a primary. They might even plant a new tree somewhere else on your property or pay you a small bounty. But they won't touch one that only threatens a service drop.

I have a very large oak similar to the OP that threatens a shed/barn. And it's sick ... drops branches and is showing mold/fungus growth. I can't afford to have it taken down, so if it crashes the shed/barn, so be it. I don't know if the insurance will cover it or not.

Some quick reading implies that some companies may not cover tree damage to structures if the tree is diseased.
   / Insurance is strange!?! #28  
Huge trees next to structures is scary.

We lived in a very mature area years ago with numerous huge oak trees. Branches as big as your torso hung over the roofs. Trees were planted in the 1920’s.

It was a designated historical area and any tree trimming or removal had to be approved in advance.

We are in tornado alley and wind storms are not uncommon.

It’s stressful.

   / Insurance is strange!?! #29  
I'm gonna take a guess, and I may be way off, so take it for what it's worth: a guess.

and say the cost of removing that tree will be just about equal to your insurance deductible.

Get some quotes. $2500 deductible after you loose your garage, cars, horse barn, etc... or $2500 deductible to take the tree down and avoid all those other losses and hassle of rebuilding.
   / Insurance is strange!?! #30  
My power comes in from the street to a pole in my backyard, which isn't my backyard. (My fence is 3 feet over the line,) There are 3 trees before the backyard that are dead, on neighbors property. One is leaning towards my powerline and house. We have quit parking the Wife's car in that area. I called neighbor and they said they can't afford to have the trees removed. I told them I could drop them into their front yard, and they said they can't afford to have them removed if I did that, so don't. My tractor would destroy their manicured lawn if I drove on it so I am not able to use it to pick up the trees if I drop them, so I am not doing that! I called the power company and they won't touch it. They would come take down the line for me to cut it, then come back and put the line back up, which is more work than just using a boom truck to drop the top of the one tree on the ground (I will clean it up!!). The cable company won't even come drop their line, so that makes it an issue. However, the cable has been stretched by other tree limbs and just pulled itself off the pole, so right now might be a good time to take it down, except for a couple minor details, like why am I spending money to fix someone else's problem? I can just wait for the tree to hit my house and hope it isn't during a hurricane when all the power people are too busy to come fix it quickly. What my neighbor isn't seeing, is when my line drops, it will take out the breaker at the street pole, which is also going to cut their power, even though their's is underground from the street to their house. Guess I better get the generator running, lol!
I agree with most everyone else, now that you have informed the insurance company, you need to get that tree down as soon as possible. They aren't going to sit around and wait for it to become a $100,000.00 claim, they will send you notice of cancellation giving you just a few weeks to find a tree surgeon to have it removed. I ran into that with a roof, right after a hurricane. They did a bi-annual drive by and the inspector didn't like the looks of my roof. My agent had put "new roof" on the application, which was supposed to be a new roof on the garage apartment and unknown age on the house. They cancelled me unless I could get a new roof on it 45 days. I got a company to set a date for install a week after that, called the company and told them, and they said call them when the roof was replaced. I did, and they refused to insure me. Trust me, you do not want to have to look for insurance once you have been cancelled, it is a pain! If you get the notice of cancellation, immediately find another company because once you the cancellation goes into affect, it is hard to get a new company.
David from jax