Is there something wrong with me?

   / Is there something wrong with me? #41  
I had my cabin burglarized by site seers (as they claimed) Several properties in the area were also hit.
The big surprise was when I was walking the back of the property (80 acres) a truck stopped, opened the gate at the road and drove down. I walked out and asked him what he needed and he nothing just came in to do some hunting. The surprise was on him. I called the game warden and he caught the guy road hunting a few miles down the road. Here poaching can cost you your guns, truck and any other equipment you have as well as the fines.
   / Is there something wrong with me? #42  
Here's where I'm at. You need to have a REAL good reason to wander up my driveway. Railroad crossbuck announces you're headed in, dogs bark, cameras are clearly visible, rotating red beacons on the golf carts, bell at the barn. Had a guy parked near the barn once try to tell the property was his. I still have his drivers license. I convinced him to hand it over when I casually mentioned I had a backhoe and would call Miss Dig instead of 911. I was in a 3 piece suit at the time and he probably needed new pants. I added driveway gates after that. One is always open.


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   / Is there something wrong with me? #43  
And being prepared also means staying at least 21 ft away..... A person can cover 21 ft by the time you draw.........

Is it 21 feet? Not sure I agree with that distance, I think it could all depend on the quickness of the person, or the speed of your draw. But Givens that someone is Crowder on in at you with a knife, you'd be ....Justified?
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   / Is there something wrong with me? #44  
When I arrived home yesterday I was informed that three people had walked down our driveway and one started taking pictures of the other two standing in our driveway using our yard as a backdrop. We live 20 miles from town. Our driveway fronts on a state highway. The driveway wasn't posted yesterday. Am I wrong to think it rude of people to just come in, stand just short of the house & start snapping pictures? It was frosty & the trees were beautiful; but what happened to respect for personal property? Am I being overly isolationist, unfriendly, paranoid? Am I acting aristocratically to protect my privacy because I happen to own rural property?

It was rude and not respectful. You are not paranoid or acting uppity either.

I have been taking photographs for decades. When we first looked at the property we know own, I saw many places that would make good photographs. One is the road that curves and goes uphill/downhill through the woods. It would make a good image when the snow falls. Well, it took weeks of work clearing the saplings, digging up stumps, and regrading the road to make it picture perfect.

A few years go by after we buy the land and I have cleared the road before we get a decent snow fall. :dance1::cool2: I drive an hour out to the place to find that a kid drove his ATV around the gate which was marked by two no trespass signs and over some survey stakes. :mad::mad::mad: He had gone up the road tearing up the snow and ruined the photo I had been WAITING FOR YEARS to take. :mad::mad::mad: We were leaving the tractor and equipment on the land, "hidden" in the woods and he drove circles around the equipment. :rolleyes:

I followed his tracks home and had a discussion with his mother about posted signs. :rolleyes:

They moved a few years later.

By this time, we had built our house and moved out to the house. :cool2:

We finally got another snow storm! :dance1::cool2::dance1:

It was a very heavy snow and too thick to go out into while it was falling to get a photo, but as soon as the snow had stopped, out I went to take the photograph I had been waiting many years to take! :cool2:

I walked down the driveway and see that two a holes had walked up the road after climbing over the %^&*()_ gate. :mad::mad::mad: They were visiting their family who had bought the house from the ATV kid. :rolleyes:

It took almost a decade for me to get the photograph I had first envisioned. Three attempts because of rude people.

   / Is there something wrong with me? #45  
Here's where I'm at. You need to have a REAL good reason to wander up my driveway. Railroad crossbuck announces you're headed in, dogs bark, cameras are clearly visible, rotating red beacons on the golf carts, bell at the barn. Had a guy parked near the barn once try to tell the property was his. I still have his drivers license. I convinced him to hand it over when I casually mentioned I had a backhoe and would call Miss Dig instead of 911. I was in a 3 piece suit at the time and he probably needed new pants. I added driveway gates after that. One is always open.

Nice looking spread!
   / Is there something wrong with me? #46  
Is it 21 feet? Not sure I agree with that distance, I think it could all depend on the quickness of the person, or the speed of your draw. But Givens that someone is Crowder on in at you with a knife, you'd be ....Justified?

The 21-Foot Rule, when accurately stated, says that in the time it takes the average officer to recognize a threat, draw his sidearm and fire 2 rounds at center mass, an average subject charging at the officer with an edged weapon can cover a distance of 21 feet. Thus, when dealing with an edged-weapon wielder at anything less than 21 feet you need to have your gun out and ready to shoot before he starts rushing you or else you risk being set upon and injured or killed before you can draw your sidearm and effectively defeat the attack.
YMMV. Some of yall live in bad neighborhoods.....
   / Is there something wrong with me?
  • Thread Starter
We don't know how long his driveway is, but he said it faces a state highway. I'd guess Google street view and the pictures the couple took have a very similar view.

Since you've asked, the driveway is a little over 550 feet long. There is a row of bushes over 18 feet high between the highway & the yard, then 4 rows of Ponderosa Pine then a row of fir trees, then a row of apple trees (bare this time of year). Any and all of these prevent a view of the house from the highway. All 4 rows of each of these different types of vegetation have to be passed for a person to be visible from the house where my wife had heard the driveway alarm & was looking out the window when she saw these people. They had made a significant entry into our property. Might have been completely innocent but struck me as extremely inconsiderate. Our place is extremely isolated in that there are only 3 occupied structures within 5 miles. Our nearest neighbor is 3 miles away. We like our privacy.
   / Is there something wrong with me? #48  
What if someone flies a drone around on your property? Like if you look out and a drone is hovering over your back patio.
   / Is there something wrong with me? #49  
What if someone flies a drone around on your property? Like if you look out and a drone is hovering over your back patio.

12 gauge Remington will fix that.

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