KX040-5 excavator availability?

   / KX040-5 excavator availability? #1  


New member
Oct 31, 2024
Kubota bx23

I'm looking to purchase a new Kubota KX040 excavator and see on youtube that the 5 series has been unveiled with new cab layout and electronics, which is something I'd be willing to wait for if only a few months away. Does anyone know when this will be available to order?
   / KX040-5 excavator availability? #3  
My dealer is thinking 1st quarter. I may trade my u48-5 on one.
   / KX040-5 excavator availability? #5  
Just curious why you’re considering going back to the KX 040 from the U48?
Only reason is to save 1600lb. I’m non cdl so i have to stay 26k or under. With my 11400gvwr truck i was forced to get an aluminum 14k trailer to haul it. The kx040 will allow me to get a steel trailer again. My aluminum 14k has a payload capacity of 12050 and pulls good, but is delicate. Any steel trailer 14k weighs 3500lb, so not enough capacity left to haul u48. I had a kx040 and went to the u48. The u48 is a little bit better performing machine, but the new kx040 is supposedly getting the pump upgrades the u48 has.

The main difference between the u48 and kx040 is the u48 has the 057 undercarriage, and it more of a drag on the 40hp.
   / KX040-5 excavator availability?
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Better call your dealer.
yeah, did that. I've called dealers in my area and everyone seems to be in the dark right now but they think they'll be available in the spring. I put down a refundable deposit on one this morning to reserve my spot in their allocation, told I'd probably have it by summer '25 but no guarantees. Good to go.

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