Little girl killed by rattlesnake

   / Little girl killed by rattlesnake #61  
Ya but you are in the US and I'm in Canada. I take your prices and add about 35%. Puts me pretty close $ wise just about every time. If I want to buy shells in the US I need to buy a $2200/year licence from the US government. It's not worth it.

My apologies, I missed that you are in Canada. I do try to remember that this is an international site but overlook it sometimes.
   / Little girl killed by rattlesnake #62  
The first time I visited in the state of Arizona, I was really surprised to find that rattlesnakes are protected by law in that state; just absolutely incredible in my opinion. Theoretically, I'm told, they are protected because they keep the rat population in check. On some trails in the wilderness, and on a golf course that I played, there were signs at the edge of the trail, and edge of the rough on golf courses that said, "Rattlesnakes have the right of way".

Of course I also heard that many people in Arizona use the three "S" system; Shoot, Shovel, and Shut-Up.

This is not entirely true. There a couple of sub species of rattlesnake that are protected as endangered in AZ. Same for 2 lizards I think. I forget which sub species now. Rest are not. And the "common" rattlesnake is as common as dog dirt. It has more to do with not being able to discharge a firearm in municipal areas than anything else I think. All the "rural" areas I knew, worked in, lived in, hunted and farmed in are all long gone. All housing developments now. Heck the City of Phoenix annexed the land all the way up to Lake Pleasant for crymanies sake. Something we would have never even thought possible in the 60's and 70's.