Midnight snacks!

   / Midnight snacks! #1  


Super Member
Apr 21, 2006
Wise county Texas
Kioti DK 35 now
I was wondering what you guy's like to "throw" together for a quick snack?? Maybe I can glean a few new ideas.


Wheat toast with Peanut butter and slices of Banana.

Baby carrots.

OJ and Banana "smoothie"

Flour tortillas brushed with butter, then the cheese!! heat to "melt" and fold


Last but not least Little Debbie snacks:thumbsup:
   / Midnight snacks! #2  
Crackers and cheese, sometimes add pepperoni.

Whole wheat bagels, toasted w/ peanut butter

Little debbie snacks

Home made brownies w/ vanilla ice cream
   / Midnight snacks! #3  
honey on ritz crackers with a giant glass of skim milk, or two
   / Midnight snacks! #4  
Usually I'll have a wack of bastone or some swedish wasa and a glass of warm milk.

Sorry if I shift the topic some but if anyone has ideas for a mid-night snack that will help you get back to sleep ..???
   / Midnight snacks! #5  
Bowl of cereal, crackers and cheese, baby carrots with ranch dressing, microwave popcorn.

I am happy to say that I have no trouble getting back to sleep, sorry that I can't help there.
   / Midnight snacks! #6  
Sliced banannas with miracle whip and crushed peanuts on top.:thumbsup:

Yea, I know how bad that sounds:laughing::laughing: But it really is good. My grandparents always used to eat that as a snack. Passed on to my dad and so forth. So I know I cant be the only one who has heard of this.
   / Midnight snacks! #8  
A glass of water and go back to bed !!!
   / Midnight snacks!
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Some good Ideas, I have heard of Bananas with miracle whip on bread, but haven't tried it.

Forgot the Bagels, they are good.

I don't eat it to sleep, I have worked nights mostly for 30 years, so my "clock" is messed up permanently:)I just don't like to eat a BIG meal late.

I have always been told warm milk will put you to sleep.