Midnight snacks!

   / Midnight snacks! #11  
Yogurt, banana with peanut butter, any kind of chocolate, ice cream
   / Midnight snacks! #12  
Sliced apple and American cheese. Pretzels and ice cream with Carmel on top. Or anything that sounds good at the time. Decaf coffee and Irish cream usually helps me sleep. This is really good with a little chocolate.
   / Midnight snacks! #13  
I guess if you want something more than water, try Ben & Jerry Chunky Monkey BUT only eat half of it not the WHOLE thing.

Then there is Peanut Butter and Bananas maybe a little honey too.

luck with the appetite.
   / Midnight snacks! #14  
2% cheese with crackers, washed down with Old Orchard Healthy balance juice. High in protein in the cheese, almost no sugar in the juice. Used to have milk and cookies as MossRoad suggested...but I tended to pig out on those.
   / Midnight snacks! #15  
I have gone to taking Melatonin: Here's some info on it. I bought some in a health food store and boy oh boy have I been sleeping like a baby.

Man I feel so much more rested when I wake up. Deep, deep sleep with vivid dreams.

No more waking and snacking for me.

Your body has its own internal clock that controls your natural cycle of sleeping and waking hours. In part, your body clock controls how much melatonin your body makes. Normally, melatonin levels begin to rise in the mid- to late evening, remain high for most of the night, and then drop in the early morning hours.

Light affects how much melatonin your body produces. During the shorter days of the winter months, your body may produce melatonin either earlier or later in the day than usual. This change can lead to symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or winter depression.1

Natural melatonin levels slowly drop with age. Some older adults make very small amounts of it or none at all.

Why is melatonin used as a dietary supplement?
Melatonin supplements are sometimes used to treat jet lag or sleep problems (insomnia). Scientists are also looking at other good uses for melatonin, such as:

Treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Helping to control sleep patterns for people who work night shifts.
Preventing or reducing problems with sleeping and confusion after surgery.
Reducing chronic cluster headaches
   / Midnight snacks! #18  
You guys are killing me. It is now Lent and I can't snack between meals.:laughing:


I don't care much for lent and do it just to set an example for the kids. Soo, one year it was alcohol, last year I gave up coffee - it was a long lent, let me tell you:) - and this year I cut red meat.

Third day today and I have problems finding food - and speaking of snacks, there are two gallon bags of deer jerky in the fridge - can't touch it, red meat:(
   / Midnight snacks! #19  
Usually, my dreams involve a broken tractor, a small angry monkey and the cops. I'd rather stay awake. :drool:


I have been retired 8 1/2 years now, and I sleep really well, but still have vivid, colorful dreams about my former career numerous times a week. I wonder what a shrink would have to say about that? I really liked my job, if that means anything...

Broken tractors, cops, and a p-----d off monkey? I really feel BAD for you, MossRoad.

Those are not dreams, but nightmares....