Veteran Member
Hi all,
Do you guys mow your pond edge to the water, and if so with what?
Do you guys mow your pond edge to the water, and if so with what?
I luckily have a few options for that,
I can back in with the brush hog, repeatedly.
Or use the boom arm mower,
Or the ditch bank flail mower.
Then if all else fails I still have an old sickle bar mower.
Easiest, but limited offset and with the mower on the low side of the tractor stability rears it's ugly head rapidly
View attachment 761393
View attachment 761398
definitely usable,
View attachment 761395
very handy but a bit of a pain getting all hooked up,
View attachment 761396
View attachment 761397
No pictures of the old sickle bar in use.
Backing in with the brush hog is easy to do and keeps the tractor in a good location till the banks get steep or slippery.
The boom arm is the most versatile, also the slowest to use as it requires constant adjustment for offset, tilt angle and the height a one inch difference in the tire height as your driving along makes a several inch change in the height of the mowing head.
The hydraulic offset ditch bank mower is handier then the brush hog and faster then the boom arm mower.
A sickle bar has decent reach to the side, will mow good when sharp and the vegetation is tall enough to fall over and your ground speed is fast enough for the material to tip back and fall off of the sickle bar, going slow and mowing around obstacles the cut material especially when short will fall on the sickle bar and not slide off causing you to need to stop raise the sickle back up abit to get the material to fall free then start mowing again.