picutres of you tractor in the garage or shed wanted

   / picutres of you tractor in the garage or shed wanted #51  
Just your basic man-cave

The shop is in the front. Two barn bays in rear. 24x40 total
   / picutres of you tractor in the garage or shed wanted #52  
My tractor tent, simple, cheap but temporary.
   / picutres of you tractor in the garage or shed wanted #55  
My little yanny is in a 5' by 12' rectangle. It fits perfect. I do agree, how do you keep your shops so clean?
   / picutres of you tractor in the garage or shed wanted #56  
My little yanny is in a 5' by 12' rectangle. It fits perfect. I do agree, how do you keep your shops so clean?

I like to keep the shop empty and store machinery in other sheds leaving the shop free and clean for it's intended purpopse...Fix it and move it out..!
   / picutres of you tractor in the garage or shed wanted #57  
Soulasphil :Your "long-loader" looks interesting. Did you build it? I think it would be great for cleaning out the edges of my lake (pond) where you don't want to get too close to the edge.

The bucket on backwards (somehow) would be good for pulling back silt washed in by rain and edges that have given way etc. I guess you'd need lots of rear ballast to counter the length?

How does the loader lift? Do you have a hydraulic ram under the tractor to push the belly cross bar ahead to lift? I've looked and looked and can't figure it out other than this guess. Also the bucket, (from here) looks to be the old "trip" method as opposed to hydraulic?

I love your old buildings. My (Scottish) stone farm house is 154 yrs old with 2 ft thick walls. Yours looks similar? Always enjoy your interesting posts!

. . tug
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   / picutres of you tractor in the garage or shed wanted #58  
   / picutres of you tractor in the garage or shed wanted #60  
I don't know how you guys keep your shops so neat.

neat= less stuff
neat= less handy
neat=lots of free time, no kids
neat=BIIIIIGGGG garage for other stuff

:rolleyes: sorry - couldn't help streotyping here .;)