Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator?

   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator? #11  
The best place to put a generator is out of earshot. In the peace of falling snow, they are obnoxious.
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator? #12  
The best place to put a generator is out of earshot. In the peace of falling snow, they are obnoxious.

I was thinking that to some degree. But I am assuming this is for emergency. Though I have been at camps who run off generators. They put in a shed to protect and muffle it.

Also keep in mind, in prolonged outage you might want this somewhere you can keep an eye on it. Rather than worrying about your poetic vision. I like snow too. But I get enough of it, I don't worry about the painting.
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator?
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Thanks for the input everyone. Many concerns raised I had not considered. Generator will only be used for emergency, so noise isn't a decision maker for me. I'm leaning towards locating close to the propane tank. This will actually help me on two fronts propane proximity and condensing unit proximity. The CU is my largest backup load, so I'll save the line loss at least for that main load by being adjacent to it. I just need to work out a code approved way to feed that directly under standby power. I don't plan to use the auto transfer switch on the house. It isn't worth the permitting and install cost to me. The generator is already electric changeover would make me feel spoiled.
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator? #14  
Automatic or not, you still need a transfer switch correct?
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator? #15  
Not sure what your referrint to when you say Cu. No matter what youll need some sort of transfer switch, eithr manual or automatic. Something has to swap loads
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator? #16  
Not sure what your referrint to when you say Cu. No matter what youll need some sort of transfer switch, eithr manual or automatic. Something has to swap loads

CU is "condensing unit". Sounds like he wants to power that directly from the generator if needed which I guess will work if he remembers to first disconnect it from the house panel (otherwise kiss that baby goodbye if the power comes back on). As for the house I guess he plans to do the switch-over manually if needed. I hope he and anybody in the house knows how to do that.
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator?
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Yes guys. I currently have a permitted manual disconnect. It mechanically interlocks so you cannot connect the generator while mains are connected. I don't know of a way to interlock a single load under code. Maybe I'll just install a hard start kit.
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator? #18  
Automatic or not, you still need a transfer switch correct?

Legally you need a transfer switch so you can't backfeed the utility or come in out of phase. The ones I have worked with have one source on the top, other on the bottom. Off in the middle. There are some that ratchet, but more common will to just raise and lower.

We were just discussing this today. Some people want auto so stays on if they are away from home or the sump pump. There is a value in that. Though I am also concerned about rationing my gas or propane.

Its not a matter of feeling spoiled. Need to decide what works for your case. Are you worried about house flooding or freezing? I am, but will probably still go manual.

I have been looking into home temp monitors, and humidity. This technology has gotten incredible cheap. I got lights at my home and camp, I can turn on and off with my phone. $20 a single pole light. Still deciding on which wifi monitor to use for temp. I don't want to use a t-stat, cause I am paranoid about some hacker or defect driving my heat up or down. Not hacking me personnally but just the company. But lots of people have do have wifi t-stats. If so you will no if heat goes out and have to come home. Lose signal and will also know power is out.

If I had natural gas, I might lean towards auto, if you got better unit that would respond to loads, and not use a lot of gas. But I have propane, and want to conserve for a prolonged outage.

Also some women might not be able to handle pushing the button to start it, as funny as that sounds.
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator? #19  
Y I don't know of a way to interlock a single load under code. it.

I think most people probably backfeed the panel and just turn off breakers they don't want using power.

I havn't done it, but off top of my head I can't think of why you can't do a transfer switch between you panel and sub panel. This would prevent having to get utility involved to install the transfer switch.

Myself I don't have any critical loads on my sub panel. By doing this you would have critical loads in your sub.

One concern, may be if you have anything that is not up to code. Inspector may force you update.
   / Plumbing Electrons vs Propane...where to put the generator? #20  
Just cause you power up condenser do you power the air handler indoors. Without the air handler, whats the use. Over thinking this
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