Ok, level 2 question.
I have 1 shotgun, 1 rifle and 1 handgun. How many rounds of ammo for each should I have on hand for home defense? And “as many as I can afford” is not a valid answer.
Really depends on your order of preference.
Shotgun is low usage for me, so loaded (8 on my 12ga ) and at least 2 sets would bare min.
Handgun again depends I like to keep at least 2-3 loaded mags for every pistol and enough to reload after shooting.
Rifle need way more info to make a call, bolt hunting rifle a box or or two but for an AR/AK, I'd want a few loaded mags and enough to reload. SO a few hundred, easy. Does not take long to burn through a couple hundred plinking on my range.
22LR we shoot lot, hunt, varmit control, kill to butcher and just plinking, go through 500-1000 every 6 months or so.
I purchase like I save (dollar cost average), set an allowance buy after shooting and to gain some every time I shoot.
Called the gun/ammo fund.
Personally I have enough hunting ammo to never need to buy or reload but I do fill a new box every time I empty one.