Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips?

   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #411  
patrick_g said:
What size molecules are your O rings made up of?


Long chain aliphatic hydrocarbons.

But is the reaction complex? And are we even talking about a reaction or a simple dissolution?
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #412  
I never claimed that just having the same atoms made it the same.

I am aware of the 2 isomers.

In my first post I neglected to put the (2-) in front of the 2-propanol, and figured the nitpickers wouldn't show up if I simply said that it was IPA / isopropyl / isopropanol.. figuring that since 2-propanol and IPA were the same.. that you guys would get the connection.. Sadly I was wrong.

With that out of the way.....Continue nitpicking the subject to death!


patrick_g said:
Thanks Ken, non chemist types often just count the atoms and claim equality. There are some startling differences in chemical properties in substances built with the same numbers of atoms of the constituent elements.

Sound guy, it was not intended to be a trick question. The way it was expressed clearly shows it to be "different stuff" as pointed out by Ken.

If equal amounts of ingredients gave equal results then sprinkling some sodium metal and spraying some chlorine gas on your food would be a viable alternative to using salt. Unfortunately, separately both are quite poisonous. In fact if you want to try it be sure to video the sodium metal application as that should be quite entertaining.

If just having the same number of atoms of the ingredient elements made things the same, organic chemistry would be a heck of a lot less complicated, even more simplifying than if pi were equal to 3.

Finding different ways to name the same substance within the standards of scientific nomenclature (H2O, Di hydrogen oxide, etc.) is NOT the same thing as different names for distinctly different isomers that are in fact different compounds with different freezing and boiling points, indices of refraction, electrical properties, magnetic resonance and so forth with any number of differences in their reactions with various substances.

   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #413  
Well; I could never ever figure out what those s p d e f orbits were about either!:D :D :D
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #415  
Isopropanol my A--!!! I'd rather have an Irish Mist! (not a typo, my wife won't let me have an Irish Miss)

Egon, you are showing your age. That nomenclature is passe now. They tried to hammer that junk into my head too, and it didn't make a lot of sense when it was fresh on my mind much less over 40 years later. Chemical physics or physical chemistry, not my cup o' tea. Give me Bosons, tensors, and quarks or a few tachyons. Give me the Poynting vector and Maxwell's equations. Schrödinger's cat, twin paradox... ahh that is the good stuff. Would you like to see my pill box personally autographed by Gauss?

   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #416  
chemistry, not my cup o' tea

Pat, when I got out of high school and decided to go to college, I had no idea what I was doing or what I was getting into, but I had no high school chemistry; only physics, so I figured I might want to learn a little chemistry and signed up for the first chemistry class I saw (no one had told me there was a difference between freshman chemistry and sophomore chemistry). The "professor" was a graduate student working on his advanced degree and also teaching, and I'm afraid he wasn't very good at the teaching. So, I'll never forget that my overall grade for that course was 51; just plain flunked, right? Well, not actually. It turned out that 51 was exactly the class average so he graded "on the curve" and I made a C! And I still don't know anything about chemistry.:eek:
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #417  
Yea it may be so Pat but I state that I'm 40 years out of date too!!:D :D :D
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #418  
Bird said:
Pat, when I got out of high school and decided to go to college, I had no idea what I was doing or what I was getting into,

I had lots of ideas about what I was going to do or be (mostly wrong!) I was going to be a physicist, then as a senior I was working part time at a navy lab surrounded by OCEANOGRAPHERS so I took an additional 14 semester hours of upper division physics (physical oceanography) not actually applicable to graduating before I figured out I wasn't going to be an oceanographer.

I never actually worked at a job with a job title of PHYSICIST (or oceanographer) but I did work as an electronic engineer before finding true religion (computers) and going back to school nights to get a BS degree in computer science and a masters in software.

My last time in grad school was for MS in instructional technology (engineering/designing training solutions both computer based and paper based or video or... for various Naval warfighting systems)

I have finally figured out what I am. I am a small time cattle rancher with a small cow-calf operation.

Oklahoma is usually #4 or #5 in beef production in the US. Over 1/2 of the beef produced in Oklahoma is from herds of less than 50 in number. So I am in the majority because I have less than 50 head. There are just lots and lots of small producers in Oklahoma.

I even considered a part time job but out here in the sticks they just don't do what I know about doing. Not a lot of DoD research and development hereabouts.

   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #419  
Pat, being a beef producer might be the best way to do, especially if prices continue as they are. A few minutes ago I paid $7.48 a pound for some sirloin strips at Sam's Club.:mad:
   / Repair/mechanic tricks and or tips? #420  
Bird said:
Pat, being a beef producer might be the best way to do, especially if prices continue as they are. A few minutes ago I paid $7.48 a pound for some sirloin strips at Sam's Club.:mad:

Like when in college and Zero Population Growth and over population topics were hot topics, I was a non combatant, I didn't have any kids.

So far my only cattle transactions have been inter-producer or in "buy mode" at the livestock auction (isn't livestock auction redundant? No one has a dead stock auction) Next spring's calf crop will be sold privately and or at the stock auction.

We have no immediate plans to slaughter our own beef and will be at the meat counter competing with you because after all, "BEEF, its what's for dinner!"

At those prices I sure hope your meat has terrific flavor and texture. I usually avoid the "upscale" cuts but a couple times a year I may splurge. If the prices for "my part" of the cow get too stratospheric then whichever of my stock is at the top of the prioritized cull list will take a trip to the processor.

I will soon have surplus stock and can just lot one of the weaners and feed it out and haul it to the processor as opposed to taking it to auction. I don't see butchering beef in my personal future, I draw the line at small game and fish. In fact, I have butchered larger fish than I have mammals, 155 lb marlin.
