Rodents win again

   / Rodents win again #11  
So sorry to see that happen!! I would suggest some cats perhaps.. They seem to do a pretty good job around here.

I believe these new tractors are becoming far too complicated with electronics. We used to just leave the tractors out in the open or covered and you might occasionally find a nest under the hood and you would just clear it out and be on your way. Sometimes you might find a fuel line nibbled on or a plug wire but generally not. There will likely come a day when the repair is too expensive on these electronics and the whole machine is just scrapped. Then what you have is a 5,000 pound, or in some cases, 30,000 pound hunk of metal just sitting there waiting to be melted down. How is that saving the planet..??

Sorry, just ranting!!!
   / Rodents win again #12  
your governments have created Rolling Buffets!!!

for last 20 years or so almost all car/truck/tractor makers are using soy based wiring insulation / coatings as Gov't wants more environmentally friendly and supports our local farmers.... down side is newer cars/trucks/tractors/etc.... have become rolling buffets for the little buggers.

More so than ever we need to take care or risk experiencing the heart break the OP had.
   / Rodents win again #13  
I have Toyota vehicles. Rodents love the wiring in Toyotas because the wiring insulation gets made with vegetable oils that attract rodents.

Frustrated by all the trouble with critters, I decided to try one of these: P3 International Under Hood Animal Repeller : Patio, Lawn & Garden

So far this winter, no rodents. As far as I am concerned the jury is still out. But, I put it on in October... changed the batteries in January.... no signs of critters to date.

I mounted it to the radiator mounting bracket with the LEDs pointed down towards the engine.

I was not a believer but given the troubles I have had, I wanted to try something else.
   / Rodents win again #14  
Sorry for all your rodent trouble. Green thinking using soybean oil to make wire insulation, rubber, plastic seems to attract them. More problems now than in the past.

I use a half roasted peanut wedged in the snap trap trigger pan claw. Catches 5-12 mice before needing new bait. No mess.

Like my snakes, don’t like getting startled, but they are well fed. Mice sometimes use their shedded skins as nesting material I find odd.

Coyotes have wiped out the feral cats I use to see in some of the out buildings. Long time since finding litter of kittens in tractor seat or floorboards. Still have a Bobcat come thru at times.

Mothballs seem to be working in the spring pump house keeping mice out. Glad I don’t have to service and smell too often.
   / Rodents win again #15  
I can't offer advice on how to keep the mice away. But I am going to suggest good insurance. I hope this was covered. I have heard that some insurances won't even try to fix mouse damage. Just write it up as a total loss.
Insurance usually doesn't cover damage caused by vermin.
   / Rodents win again #16  
My 18 month old Deere cab tractor was totally disabled about a month ago by either rats or mice. The total damage ended up costing about $11k as the little critters chewed on a variety of wiring harnesses, fuel lines, coolant lines and even the DEF lines. Seems like the Deere dealership had to disassemble half the tractor to get to and fix the damage. It had been parked on a gravel pad under a car port but looks like I need to move it to the concrete pad barn to at least get a little more protection. Been looking through a lot of posts and may look into Tom Cat, cayenne pepper, and some of the other suggestions. I have dogs so want to be careful with poisons. My truck has also been parked under the carport and have noticed evidence of mice on several occasions as they would eat my starlight peppermints and leave their wrappers all over the floorboard. I then put a live trap on my floorboard with the peppermint as the bait and have caught 5 mice in the last six months. I had previously used dryer sheets and heavily scented trash bags in my glove box where they had chewed on kleenex before but not sure they had any effect. All the damage to the tractor was underneath the cab which Deere had to totally remove so I need something I can use under the cab.

My tractor is finally being brought back this Friday. If anyone has any new updated ideas, I am all ears.
Welcome to Soy based plastic... 🤦‍♂️

Did you have insurance and did they pay for it? My car insurance (USAA) paid for rodent damage my Journey a couple of times.
   / Rodents win again #18  
My 18 month old Deere cab tractor was totally disabled about a month ago by either rats or mice. The total damage ended up costing about $11k as the little critters chewed on a variety of wiring harnesses, fuel lines, coolant lines and even the DEF lines. Seems like the Deere dealership had to disassemble half the tractor to get to and fix the damage. It had been parked on a gravel pad under a car port but looks like I need to move it to the concrete pad barn to at least get a little more protection. Been looking through a lot of posts and may look into Tom Cat, cayenne pepper, and some of the other suggestions. I have dogs so want to be careful with poisons. My truck has also been parked under the carport and have noticed evidence of mice on several occasions as they would eat my starlight peppermints and leave their wrappers all over the floorboard. I then put a live trap on my floorboard with the peppermint as the bait and have caught 5 mice in the last six months. I had previously used dryer sheets and heavily scented trash bags in my glove box where they had chewed on kleenex before but not sure they had any effect. All the damage to the tractor was underneath the cab which Deere had to totally remove so I need something I can use under the cab.

My tractor is finally being brought back this Friday. If anyone has any new updated ideas, I am all ears.

Don't get 1 barn cat, get 2 or 3. Your rodent problem will abate quickly. Dont feed them much cat food so they stay committed to finding those little chewing bastards!
   / Rodents win again
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In regard to insurance, I have very good insurance through Texas Farm Bureau. They covered everything and I only had to pay my deductible of $250. Just glad this didn't happen during mowing season as I was without the tractor for a month.

May try a variety of things and hopefully one works. Barn cats probably won't last long with my behemoth dogs, visiting coyotes, bobcats, etc. All good ideas though and I appreciate the help!
   / Rodents win again #20  
My 18 month old Deere cab tractor was totally disabled about a month ago by either rats or mice. The total damage ended up costing about $11k as the little critters chewed on a variety of wiring harnesses, fuel lines, coolant lines and even the DEF lines. Seems like the Deere dealership had to disassemble half the tractor to get to and fix the damage. It had been parked on a gravel pad under a car port but looks like I need to move it to the concrete pad barn to at least get a little more protection. Been looking through a lot of posts and may look into Tom Cat, cayenne pepper, and some of the other suggestions. I have dogs so want to be careful with poisons. My truck has also been parked under the carport and have noticed evidence of mice on several occasions as they would eat my starlight peppermints and leave their wrappers all over the floorboard. I then put a live trap on my floorboard with the peppermint as the bait and have caught 5 mice in the last six months. I had previously used dryer sheets and heavily scented trash bags in my glove box where they had chewed on kleenex before but not sure they had any effect. All the damage to the tractor was underneath the cab which Deere had to totally remove so I need something I can use under the cab.

My tractor is finally being brought back this Friday. If anyone has any new updated ideas, I am all ears.
I know it might sound to good to be true: Leave the hood up. Imagine living in your house without a roof. This has worked for me since 2005. Having an outdoor cat or two adds extra protection.
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