Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon

   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #11  
I cut the same tendon on my index finger...when they sewed it back together it was overlapped making it shorter so the finger was really stiff and was hard and painful to pretty much stayed in a half curled position...until I went back for the follow up and the doc. just grabbed it and straightened it out...I thought I was going to pass out from the pain...! he had not told me to work/exercise it or anything...
...That was back in it is just a little tighter and a slight bump where it was overlapped...but otherwise normal...

Good Luck with yours...
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon
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Doc is going to see me when he breaks for lunch today... hoping for the best.

Didn't do the Emergency room thing last night knowing it would be referred anyway and I would still have my out of pocket expenses.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon
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Doc squeezed me in and said of all the ways for it to rupture I was lucky... it should heal if kept sprinted and taken care of... typical 12 weeks with 24/7 for the first 6 weeks... range of motion and full extension takes longer... even up to a year with a small possibility of needing surgery.

X-ray showed it did not pull away a chunk of bone which is fortunate.

Learned the Flexor (Making a fist Tendons) is as much as 50 times stronger that the Extensor tendons and he said the way I broke it cleaning between cushions is textbook... housekeeping and sports related are common.

Turns out I know several in the office who were surprised to see me as a patient... good to have friends and that goes the same for TBN
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #14  
You would think that a man that works with his hands would have developed HEAVY DUTY hands. Such an injury should have happened while working on your dozer undercarriage while mired in a swamp during black fly season..

This stuff scares me. The fragility of life.

Hope you recover in good time.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #15  
You do need to come up with a more impressive story...
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon
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Never have been good at embellishing... it's a flaw.

When I returned to work there was a pallet of APC UPS to unload and unpackage... said I would not be able to do it with one hand... was not well received... 70 lbs each.

Since the Doc squeezed me in during lunch I don't have a Doctor's report... only a credit card receipt for my $35 co-pay...

Several of my co-workers had him for carpal tunnel surgery and gave glowing reports... of course it was surgery and they were off 6 to 8 weeks as we cannot accommodate light duty.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #17  
Jeez ultra runner who are the coworkers who are pissing and moaning about your busted hand. Do you have an option other than sticking it out there.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon
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I've been downsized to a department of one.

The company ratio is about 20 women for every guy... so the guys are always the muscle... nurses can simply say no.

I'm not looking to get time off although I'm maxed out at 480 hours of extended sick leave that I have never taken... just thankful splinting may do the trick.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #19  
Hope your hand gets better soon. I know, full well, how pain in your hands can make for many sleepless nights. I have some form of arthritis in both hands that will act up now and then. Many years ago I got a "hand brace" that I will put on at night when one of my hands hurts. It keeps the fingers fully extended and usually by morning the hand will feel better. Just hang in there - the hand will get better with time.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #20  
Hope everything works out especially with having to reapply for your job.