Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon

   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #21  
Yes, sounds like really bad timing. Unfortunately, I know how stressful it is to be in a downsizing/cost-cutting organization. The worst part for me is how everyone feels underappreciated and moral is so low.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #22  
I had a similar experience with my thumb. Got it caught and crushed in a chain, and sliced the tendon.

6 weeks in a splint 24/7 and then another 6 weeks with the splint just on at night.

Was able to get 80 percent movement back in it. Just got a crooked thumb for hitch hiking now :rolleyes:

Just make sure too keep it straight and you should be fine :)
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon
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Thanks Dftodd... I'm counting the days...

Were you able to use that hand or told to keep it immobile?

The last few days have been an adjustment to say the least.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #24  
Thanks Dftodd... I'm counting the days...

Were you able to use that hand or told to keep it immobile?

The last few days have been an adjustment to say the least.

I was able to use that hand and still work. Kept it splinted good and was careful with it. Doc did stress that if I bent the thumb in the first 6 weeks, the 6 week count down started over again.

I really didn't have much restrictions other then not being able to lift over a certain amount and to keep the thumb straight.

I would occasionally have to get my boss or someone else to remove or start some bolts for me, if I couldn't get to them with my other hand. I was their only service tech at the time. Our other tech had gone into the hospital a week before for a quadruple bypass and was gonna be out of work for a minimum of 6 months. So if I was doing a rebuild and couldn't get to something with my good hand. Who ever was in the building was fair game to grab as my assistant. I had the regional manager and the the president of our division out there as my assistant before :cool:
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon
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So far I only have my credit card copay receipt as proof... the Doc was nice enough to see my in between surgery cases... so I still have nothing to show work although they know I was seen.

I'm most concerned at having to start over again should I move it... pinning was given as an option but I was told it wouldn't give any added benefits if I could keep the finger immobile with splints.

Were you eventually able to use your thumb as before or are you still protective of it now that it has healed?
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #26  
So far I only have my credit card copay receipt as proof... the Doc was nice enough to see my in between surgery cases... so I still have nothing to show work although they know I was seen.

I'm most concerned at having to start over again should I move it... pinning was given as an option but I was told it wouldn't give any added benefits if I could keep the finger immobile with splints.

Were you eventually able to use your thumb as before or are you still protective of it now that it has healed?

Darn sorry to read about that.

If the Doc said immobilize put it in a cast so you absolutely cannot move it. I've broken and torn up a number of my body parts and it's a lot more difficult to put up with a poor heal than fixing it right the first time. Damaged a toe about three years ago, couldn't get to a "plan" doctor within a week. Let it heal with a splint, it's all bent up. Plan doctor said he might be able to fix it with surgery and breaking it again. No thanks.

It's too bad you need documentation to prove you were injured. Especially since you work in a hospital.

Good luck.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon
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The hospital is kind of a gray area as all the Docs and Admin know each other...

One of my co-workers was injured a few years back and had surgery... non work related.

Doc said 6 weeks off and the Hospital Administrator and HR went ballistic... Doc had to pull rank and said he would be happy to discuss this in detail when either of them become licensed medical Doctors... and so it goes.

My Doc said he wanted to get me back to work and to just work smart... he is on the Hospital Board...
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #28  
Sounds about the same as what my doctor said. Go back to work and use your head :) And yes, that was my major fear was bending it and having to start over again on the six weeks ;) Be smart about it, and careful, and you will be fine :)

They classified me with a 1 percent disability once everything was said and done. I did lose some mobility in the thumb. But it hasn't slowed me down any. You learn to compensate for the difference in movement pretty quickly. The main issue I had right afterwards was some major cramping in it when doing fine detail work that required both hands. Like splicing or working with small wires. Cramping did go away after about 5 years or so :rolleyes: I had the accident around 10 years ago.

I can't straighten it completely, like I could before. But I didnt expect to get full complete movement back in it either. I was happy that i didnt lose it :) I had some other damage as well to the thumb with it getting it caught in a safety hook on a lift chain.

I was out on a jobsite picking up a piece of equipment that weighed around 12,000 lbs. Only thing big enough out there to pick it up was a big bucket loader. Operator moved the bucket in over the piece of equipment. I wrapped the chain around the bucket, through the lifting bale on the equipment. Was just hooking the hook back onto the chain, when the bucket suddenly lurched upwards. Tightening the chain and catching my thumb into the hook. Thankfully the bucket stopped once the chain was tight, but the operator didn't realize he bumped the control. He had a phone call and dropped his phone when he went to answer it :mad: I had to ping my cell phone off the window of the loader to get the operators attention to lower the bucket :mad: Doc figured if he had stayed on the controls another half a second, I would have been an amputee instead of just mangled tissue, and nasty slice and the torn tendon.

The chain damaged most of the nerves in my thumb. And after 10 years, I still have very little feeling in it.
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon
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All it takes is a split second... appreciate the encouragement from one who has been there...

I'm getting good at one hand typing... so I can adapt!
   / Ruptured Middle Finger Tendon this afternoon #30  
If you have a friend who is a physical therapist or occupational therapist, it wouldn't hurt to talk to them after your out of the splint. They can usually give you some good tips, stretches, and exercises to help get your mobility back.

I had a good friend who was an occupational therapist, who gave me the good tips and advise. As well as using her as a translator for the legal paperwork I received from workman's comp. Only stipulation was I had to pay her bar tab at nickel beer night each time she gave me advise :D