Sad Day

   / Sad Day #1  


Super Star Member
May 20, 2004
Big Island, HI
LS XR4140H (Mine) BX2380 (wife’s)
Brought her home when just 5 weeks old, the runt and last of her litter to leave - way too soon.


She lived a great life. Got to travel a bit. Terrific Mom to 6 youngins.


A number of companions along the way, but none that ever replaced her Jack, who passed way too young.


She took to retired life, celebrating her 10th by the pool


But today, the cancer won, 12 years, 2 months, 3 days of pure love
You did it your way, one final truck ride to breakfast, one last goodbye..


RIP my sweet little Ruby girl, we miss you. Gone way too soon


David Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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   / Sad Day #2  
I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your family member. I know the pain as well.:weepy: God bless you and your family. The good Lord had to call up another one of his angels. He will rub Ruby's belly and scratch her ears till you can take over again.
   / Sad Day #3  
Sorry to hear of your loss. These little guys have a way of getting into your heart. We love our boxers, we have 2, Bubba and Sydney, father and daughter. The only way god could improve a dog would be to allow them a 30 or 40 year life.
   / Sad Day #4  
I understand your pain and I am sorry she is gone.

"Lord, help me be the man my dog thinks I am".
   / Sad Day #5  
sodamo, what a beautiful tribute...I have tears filling my eyes as I compose this and am so sorry for your loss. MY experience has shown me that the runts of the litter always have have the biggest hearts. Again, I am sorry for the heartbreak you are dealing with.
   / Sad Day #7  
+1 on sharing the pictures and thoughts. Perhaps she is now with her pal Jack..
   / Sad Day #8  
Sorry for your loss. We lost our Gracie to cancer at only 4 years of age, she was a special pup. My sympathies...
   / Sad Day #10  
I am sincerely sorry for your loss. There are constant tears in my eyes as I reply to your post. One of our dogs - Lady Dog II is laying next to me on the couch. She is seven.