Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job

   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #21  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Maybe the pic's are deceptive but it doesn't look that bad to me. Any good welding shop could straighten it, re-weld it and add some gussets to make it stronger than the original.

Steve )</font>

Yep, looks that way to me as well. It just needs a big hydraulic press applied to it for straightening and a bit of gusseting and it will be fine I think. But like you said, maybe its bent worse than those pics show. But it isn't crumpled in a ball anyhow.
   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #22  
I agree with the others who suggest the use of a press and add to that a big hammer! I think you can fix this guy without a lot of trouble by disassembling it and if you don't have a press, take it to a machine shop / welding shop. You may need to heat it a bit but you can save it.
   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #23  
Hmmm....looks a lot better than the Hawkline blade I destroyed . I had to replace the whole vertical part of the blade. At least yours is still usable.
   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #24  
If it were me:

I would take the back big bolt out, replace it - asuming it is stretched. I would take the back swivel plate (bent part by the big bolt) to a machine shop with a good press & have it straightened - about $25. If you need it welded up a bit to strenthen it - $50.

You may be able to live with the bow in the main beam. If it causes your blade to not be square to the tractor & bothers, then I would also take that to the machine shop, and have it either straightened or rebuilt. It likely will have a memory for this bend, and will need to have angle or other bracing welded down each side, making it much stronger than a replacement, and for about 1/2 of what the replacement will cost. Your welding shop might build a better beam from scratch, and again it will be about 1/2 - 2/3's of replacement cost.

I farm for a living, run into this type of repars all the time, trust us on this. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif Price the replacement parts, then get it done at the machine shop for a lot less & a better product.

As others have said, this is a deal of just too much force, something had to give. I would not expect this to be covered under warrenty. You had the blade in it's most vunerable position, that leading dropped edge is just a twisted mess waiting to happen, and you were going way too fast. It surely is operator error that caused this, not a manufaturing problem. And I say that as a been there, done that deal. I've wrecked a lot of iron myself - not picking on you. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif Just how it is. We learn - sometimes.

That blade does not look particularly HD to me. But, be glad - you woulda wrecked your tractor, & that is more difficult to fix. bend back in shape than the blade is. I don't know I would want a heavier blade on that tractor.

Something needs to give................

   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #25  
Maybe just put the blade back on and hit the stump from the other side /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Sorry couldn't resist.
   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #26  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Maybe just put the blade back on and hit the stump from the other side /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Sorry couldn't resist. )</font>

Funny, I was thinking that the best thing to do would be to ask a mother in law. They always seem to be able to tell you how to do things the RIGHT way /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif And then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out when you don't listen to them . . .
   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #27  
I broke mine as well but have rebuilt it much stronger and put in sheer-bolts as well. i bent mine after catching a frozen stump.
I am also doing the same thing as you are "crowning a driveway"


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   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job
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Yes, I was going to fast and when I hit the stump that caused me to mash harder on the HST and so on........ The two parts I think will solve the problem is the main tube going front to rear and the receiver head that hold the blade assy. Both of these items are bent and twisted.

As for the mother-in-law she thinks I hung the moon, it's the mother that knows it all.....

Will update as soon as I get prices from my dealer.

Thanks for all the info...

/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #29  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Funny, I was thinking that the best thing to do would be to ask a mother in law. They always seem to be able to tell you how to do things the RIGHT way And then point out when you don't listen to them, and then point out..... )</font>

Boy, that's the truth, but mine does it biligually. I get to hear it first in Spanish, and then in English! /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Oh, yeah, and they NEVER forget (even as they go senile!).
   / Scrape Blade dies the first day on the job #30  
That's really not much of a blade for $700. I'd tell him to take it on trade for a Woods HBL84-2 or Frontier RB 1184. They have the swivel plate "captured" at the corners to prevent this. They also have a strut arm to hold the offset position rather than relying on the front swivel plate. They also have a backbone brace...