Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield

   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #1  


Elite Member
Jan 30, 2004
Mojave Desert, CA
Kubota B7800
Earlier today I looked out my back door and down near the end of my property a quarter of mile away on a dirt road I see a SUV with a trailer. I thought that this was strange as with binoculars I could see 4 guys standing near the trailer. The dirt road is like many in the desert as they were cut many years ago and are unimproved and don’t really serve properties. They were cut in the 60’s when you could homestead 5 acres for 5 years and gain ownership. Few actually did it so miles of dirt unused roads exist.

I jump on the tractor and head out there. As happens quite often out here, mostly landscapers and trash haulers will just find an empty road and dump their load instead of paying the dump fee. They had completely unloaded their trailer on my neighbors undeveloped property.

The bug part of this is that they backed their SUV off the “road” and buried it in the soft sand trying to get out.

As I drove up they got excited and thought that I was there to pull them out. They got a big surprise when I told them the police were on the way and they needed to reload their trailer.

They got the trailer reloaded but they were still stuck when the CHP showed up. They probably didn’t get a ticket, but they probably did get a good scare.

The sad part is that they will just go to another road and dump again.
   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #2  
You shouldn't have warned them. Maybe something like this tractor won't pull you out, let me go get a different one...thereby giving the police time to arrive and see the dumped mess. Then a ticket could ha e been issued and the judge could ask for proof of dumping once they did have to clean up the mess!
David from jax
   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #4  
We call a forest ranger. They are more than happy to help.
Several years ago one of our contractors found a couch on the road when going out for parts which wasn't there when they went in to work. A Ranger was called, who found an envelope down behind the cushions with somebody's name and address. They had driven 30 miles onto "some back road" to dump it.
12 hours later it returned home, along with a summonse for littering.
   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #5  
We call a forest ranger. They are more than happy to help.
Several years ago one of our contractors found a couch on the road when going out for parts which wasn't there when they went in to work. A Ranger was called, who found an envelope down behind the cushions with somebody's name and address. They had driven 30 miles onto "some back road" to dump it.
12 hours later it returned home, along with a summonse for littering.

That is a great story! I’d like to have seen the guys face when the couch returned home!!
   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #6  
I loaded a load of trash back on my dump truck and gave it a return to sender once. Maybe I should have called the police instead but it felt more satisfying my way.
   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #7  
Back road dumping was a real problem for many years when we lived in Anchorage. The final answer - the city landfill was open on weekends for free. This proved to have a major impact.
   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #8  
back road dumping also getting out of hand here,mostly tires paint cans and oil. :(
   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #9  
The final answer - the city landfill was open on weekends for free. This proved to have a major impact
Imagine that!!! We see the same thing around towns which charge to dispose of refrigerators. I drove about a mile up one woods road and counted 8 refrigerators.
I used to see all sorts of white goods, but now anything without freon has "scrap" value.
   / Sometimes your the bug, sometimes the windshield #10  
It happens around here also and really tics me off. Our township road superintendent has to pick the stuff up too. I stopped to talk to him a few months ago and noticed a refrigerator in front of his building. I asked him what ditch he dug it out of. He said none it just showed up in front of the building one day. I guess that’s better than having to dig it out of a ditch.