Status of Everything Attachments

   / Status of Everything Attachments #421  
Good grief, this thread has taken a serious turn for the worse. The subject is not worth it fellas!
   / Status of Everything Attachments #422  
Ships in 4-6 weeks. I wonder if that is too long to wait for those that don't like to pay now and wait?
4-6 weeks is plenty of time to file a no questions asked refund from a CC company. When I bought a landplane from them two years ago it was 6 to 8 weeks shipping, but it was actually on the road in 4 weeks.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #423  
Good grief! Why the anger among ourselves?
This thread started 14 years ago and I've bought from EA and they made good products, then things "went South". I've seen and known of so many businesses like that and it's a shame. Without knowing all the facts it becomes speculation. Usually it's due to bad owner or upper management choices.
I hope anyone who paid a deposit gets their deposit money back. As someone pointed out, and I just checked, the EA site says closed temporarily. Who knows what will happen? In business since 1946 maybe they could reorganize, pay debts and reopen which "temporarily" indicates.
If they had completed products on hand they could ship expediently.
When I ran a repair business (retired 10 years ago) I got an estimate fee up front refunded if repair was approved. When I had a horse stable built a few years ago the contracting company got 10% upfront, then 30% partway through, 30% then final 30% when completed.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #424  
At what point do they stop taking money on new orders?

Today? Tomorrow?

There appear to be people ordering as we speak who may not know about what's going on, or they wouldn't place an order.

How do you defend taking people's money currently, with everything that has happened?
That is exactly what I was thinking. Their website appears to be a low tech do it yourself looking site. Even it isn't, it only takes a second to make a phone call to their IT guy and tell them to shut down the sales page. With something like " Do to technical difficulties we are temporarily able to do online sales"
To me it speaks volumes about the company that they haven't done that or haven't come on TBN to explain the situation. Last time on TBN was just after Christmas.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #425  


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   / Status of Everything Attachments #426  
I wonder if those selling ads to vendors who violate these rules would have any liability to buyers? If they should have known and did not warn buyers or if they failed to stop the ads after the point that they should have known there was a violation. You know - go after the deep pockets. So to speak. When the class action suits start getting filed there is no telling who could get snagged in this quagmire.
The way I read it is that at time of payment it's okay to have a long delay if the customer agrees and understands. But if the delay goes beyond 30 days from the original shipment estimate they need the customer to reconfirm or must refund. But I'm not speaking as an authority, just pointing out that there are indeed laws that apply to shipping times, billing, refunds, etc.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #428  
As someone pointed out, and I just checked, the EA site says closed temporarily.
Where are you seeing this? I just looked (Tractor Attachments And Skid Steer Attachments For Any Tractor Or Skid Steer) and see nothing of the sort. Just looks "business as usual" to me.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #429  
That is exactly what I was thinking. Their website appears to be a low tech do it yourself looking site. Even it isn't, it only takes a second to make a phone call to their IT guy and tell them to shut down the sales page. With something like " Do to technical difficulties we are temporarily able to do online sales"
To me it speaks volumes about the company that they haven't done that or haven't come on TBN to explain the situation. Last time on TBN was just after Christmas.
That and the black Friday sale they had. Probably knew at that time none of those orders would ever be made. Yes, just speculation, but looking back you could see the writing on the wall.
   / Status of Everything Attachments #430  
When I go to the EA website, I don't see anything that says they are closed, temporarily or otherwise. I can also place an order, at least up to the point of putting in my credit card.
I have a friend who lost his business when he did an upgrade to the factory. When they threw the switch to power it up, the transformer blew up. It was a 10 month lead time to get a new transformer. Loans/bills came due on the upgrade and since he was not saving the money he expected to without the upgrades running, he was forced into bankruptcy and lost the business. Bad things can happen to good people through no fault of their own.