/ SURPRISE! #31  
I have had this happen:
Look up the oil filter number, get it off the shelf and go home. Drain out the oil and go to put the new filter on and low and behold the filter in the box is not the same part number as what's on the box.
   / SURPRISE! #32  
Happened to me with something I bought at Lowes - more than once - missing parts and obviously were 'returns'. I returned the last item and explained that it was not the first time. The manager came out and was extremely gracious - thanked me and said they would take this up at the next meeting so that any returned items would be inspected before being restocked.
   / SURPRISE! #33  
I was looking for a chain saw chain at Lowes a few years ago. The right one was there, but only one was left on the wall. Fortunately, I looked closely, and it was a used chain in the plastic holder...told a store employee.

Remember a guy at work saying he put a new roof on his house, or something like that. He said he bought a new roofing nailer, used it, then returned it. Better than renting he said...

What's wrong with these people?
   / SURPRISE! #34  
Plumbing items at the big box stores are the worst, Faucets missing parts is very common, Toilets , shower valves. Used to be if the box was missing the strapping tape it was a no go , But now it seems they will re strap them.
   / SURPRISE! #36  
The weirdest thing that I have ever bought was a six pack of canned beer that had cola instead of beer. The paint label on the cans were a name brand beer, but the contents was Coke or another cola. I’m sure that someone had a big laugh at the bottling plant.
   / SURPRISE! #37  
Learned over 30 years ago, if the box doesn't have original seal it should be opened and inspected. We had people trying to return used oil and filters back when I worked at Chief Auto in the late 80's. The worse where the ones who brought their burnt out lights for attempted return.
   / SURPRISE! #38  
So True. I guess I also will need to open stuff before taking it to the checkout.
The store clerk's are supposed to inspect the item that is brought in for "return". They should also prosecute the mope that tries to return old junk. Yeah, like that's gonna happen... o_O
   / SURPRISE! #39  
I've had that happen more than once with power tools at Home Depot, printer ink (when we had an ink jet printer) at Walmart and various stuff at other big box stores.
   / SURPRISE! #40  
Yet how many posters on here respond to someone who is having a problem tractor by recommending selling their problem to an unknowing buyer. Not much different that returning bad goods to Walmart for a credit.

I bought someone else’s problem, that’s bad. I unloaded my problem, that’s good?

Some people need to look in a mirror.
When the repairs pile up too deep, I sell the equipment, but I always tell the buyer what's needed. I guess it's because I'm from a small town. I expect to see the buyer again in the future, possibly as a return customer.