Taking out a stump, a BIG stump

   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump
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I almost got the dozer a couple of times,,,had to chip away for quite a while with the backhoe to break the stump up. The winch would of yanked it outa there pronto. But I have been informed that dozer tracks and daffodils are incompatible by someone who has more seniority then me.

   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump #12  
Good point Dave. /w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif

   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump
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Those are some good hints beenthere,,,sounds like your handle's very appropriate,,,I think I will just dig down some more and bury the next stump. I don't worry about rocks, nothing but red clay and shale here.

   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump #14  
Dave..since you got the nack for stump removeal,how about trying your hand on a big Elm stump I have /w3tcompact/icons/eyes.gif and the coffee & donuts are on me. /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif

Just how long did it take to remove the stump in the garden?
   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump #15  
My wife has some large buried rocks in the front yard she thinks should be moved. /w3tcompact/icons/eyes.gif Showed her your wife’s picture. /w3tcompact/icons/tongue.gif She is having second thoughts about moving them with our 2910. /w3tcompact/icons/grin.gif
   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump #16  
Hey, Dave! Where'd all the flowers go? /w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif Looks nice from a guy perspective, but sure as heck my wife would not like all that bare earth!

   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump #17  

I was just going to suggest that you talk to Pete about taking rocks out and here he is. /w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif
   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump #18  
Shoot, looks like you were well on the way to having a(nother) basement dug.
Did you ever determine what kind of tree it was???

I've seen gum tree stumps that lasted many years almost like they were cut yesterday, no decay at all.

   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump #19  
Hey, if someone knows how to contact Kubota headquarters, tell them to quit spending money with pro. photographers and posed pictures. Put Dave's project on the next brochure. Let prospective customers see some real time action.
My wife loves daffodils too, est. 1500 2000 at least.
Thanks Dave I enjoyed (drooling) over your BH presentation.
It should be nominated for and Oscar at least.
   / Taking out a stump, a BIG stump
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Thanks for the invite Thomas. Warm up the coffee, I'll climb on the tractor and head on out. Should arrive in NH around spring of 03. /w3tcompact/icons/grin.gif

Seriously, it took about 4 hours to get it out, broken up into two days cause we had a little cloud buster come thru about the time I got the hole dug. But, as we all know, time stands still whenever you're on tractor time, so it won't count toward my total allotment anyway. /w3tcompact/icons/grin.gif
