Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #71  

Reminds to me this
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #72  
Well damn, if 40 years old is vintage I guess my watch is vintage. Thanks for making me feel old. Dad gave me his submariner when I graduated college, it's out for service so no pics.
I have my Grandfather's watch; my Dad told me he bought it in a pawn shop, in Enid OK, in 1929.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #74  
C8F46E6D-DEE8-4ABD-AD04-4D72098A659C.jpegBA4B50B5-935F-4AAE-864B-8EA57576CDA6.jpeg These always are a little wierd... the shell didn’t harden so it’s like rubber.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #75  
Electricity does not travel in wires, it travels in waves outside of them. The actual flow of electrons inside the conductor is very slow.


“…, electrical energy does not travel though the wire as sound travels through air but instead always travels in the space outside of the wires. This is because electric energy is composed of electric and magnetic fields which are created by the moving electrons, but which exist in the space surrounding the wires.”
"Skin Effect" usually applies to Higher Frequency voltage.