The Resting Place.

   / The Resting Place. #622  
Feinstein was hardworking, smart, an inspiration to generations of young women getting into public service,
and for sure a California liberal.
Celebrate our differences. Bash the ideas, not the person.
She was a doer not just a talker and she got my respect, even if I found it hard to listen to her voice.

most of us realize the extremes to the left and right don't work and compromise is simply part of human nature.
and for sure we disagree where we have to compromise. I think that is healthy in a free society.

seems like our political process is broken. I have a business mindset; in the "real world" these folks would get fired for
nonperformance in a heart beat. All they know how to do is spend money, likely steal some of it, and throw verbal jabs at the opposing team
while accomplishing almost nothing. And get PAC money out of politics, or we are just bribing our way along like the Russians do.
I think being a politician today would be a poor career choice.

lilranch I hear you but think you overstate, no one wants to take away all the guns. I think. They are nuts if they do.
I grew up on a farm and understand what guns are for, even if I'm a lifelong pacifist.
there are animals and people in life you just can't reason with and everyone has the right to protect themselves.
I'm not sure where Feinstein stood on that issue, did she even get upset over licensed carry?

I think we need more Margaret Thatchers and Feinsteins in this world.

I'd say RIP. politics and religion just get folks too upset. I mean to upset no one.
   / The Resting Place. #623  
I won't voice my opinion on her except to say that no person should die while serving in Congress unless their death is untimely. We have far too many old farts in Washington that need to retire. I would have respected her if she supported term limits.
   / The Resting Place. #624  
I sure agree with that.
touchy subject but I'd say max age of 80.
are we even allowed to say that any more?
we have minimum ages I believe.
can be a cushy, lucrative position for an entrenched politician who likes the limelight

does make one wonder
what will they say about me?... :unsure:
   / The Resting Place. #625  
Nothing but good
   / The Resting Place. #626  
It shouldn’t be determined by age, it should be determined by mental acuity.

As far as Di-Fi goes, she was a typical San Francisco Marxist that DISGRACED our country in the Justice Kavanaugh hearings.

I will never forget the way she promoted those liars to try to destroy another human being like that.
Ever. Period.

That was pure EVIL
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   / The Resting Place. #627  
I sure agree with that.
touchy subject but I'd say max age of 80.
are we even allowed to say that any more?
we have minimum ages I believe.
can be a cushy, lucrative position for an entrenched politician who likes the limelight

does make one wonder
what will they say about me?... :unsure:
it’s not just the “limelight” , way to many politicians are getting extremely wealthy in office and that is just plain wrong!
   / The Resting Place. #630  
It shouldn’t be determined by age, it should be determined by mental acuity.
Everyone knows Reagan's famous comeback in his second GOP primary debate, (from memory) "I will not allow age to become an issue in this election, I will not exploit my opponent's youth and inexperience." It was a great comeback, especially considering how lost and bewildered he appeared at a few points in the first GOP primary debate a few weeks earlier. Mitch McConnell's recent space-outs were very reminiscent of Reagan's performance in that first GOP debate, which he later blamed on over-preparation and exhaustion.

Ironically, people were worried because he was coming up on age 70, young by comparison to the two dinosaurs we'll likely be selecting between next year.