The Resting Place.

   / The Resting Place. #631  
Long term politicians have so much entrenched power based on their committee assignments, etc. that constituents fail to see the red light coming up when they vote. Six-year terms make the problem worse. At the same time two-year terms are too short.
   / The Resting Place. #632  
There are definitely structural issues with our democratic republic….
   / The Resting Place. #634  
The problem with the Senate is the 17th. The Senate's job in our republic is to represent the interests of the states. When state legislatures decide, they put the old ones to pasture, even if only to further the careers of themselves.

Another way they could improve would be to have committee assignments and leadership based on rotations derived from the district being represented. In other words, hypothetically, the representative from the 33rd district of California will serve as the vice-chair of the Rules Committee in 2025, regardless of who wins the next election. Less incentive to keep returning experience. Also need to completely get rid of pensions for public service. If SocSec and 401K are good enough for most of us, they are good enough for them.
   / The Resting Place. #635  
The problem with the Senate is the 17th. The Senate's job in our republic is to represent the interests of the states. When state legislatures decide, they put the old ones to pasture, even if only to further the careers of themselves.

Another way they could improve would be to have committee assignments and leadership based on rotations derived from the district being represented. In other words, hypothetically, the representative from the 33rd district of California will serve as the vice-chair of the Rules Committee in 2025, regardless of who wins the next election. Less incentive to keep returning experience. Also need to completely get rid of pensions for public service. If SocSec and 401K are good enough for most of us, they are good enough for them.
Amen to get rid of their pensions!
   / The Resting Place. #636  
Nope age. Cannot get around that.


82 yr old socialist Bernie Sanders is far sharper than that 33 yr old nit wit AOC.
   / The Resting Place. #639  
Any test can be manipulated...good or bad.
Your age...not so much.
Plus the older one gets the more out of touch they are with prior generations and ingrained issues.
   / The Resting Place. #640  
Any test can be manipulated...good or bad.
Your age...not so much.
Plus the older one gets the more out of touch they are with prior generations and ingrained issues.
Pretty sure the older folks are more in touch with prior generations than younger folks. Young people, as a group, just don't know what they don't know. Most of us us thought we were brilliant and invincible at 21. By 41, most of us knew we were neither.

The tests are just to weed out the extremes. We all know who they are regardless of affiliation. Age doesn't matter by itself. Hoodieman is younger than me, but barely knows his own name. Sad, but should never have been seated.