Today, would you buy an EV vehicle.

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   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #291  
The one thing that worries me about EVs are the batteries, they can catch fire. This bus went up in flames fast.

   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #292  
After having lived a 7 day power outage I don't think an EV is 4 me.
Maybe a hybrid.
Just shopping gas for my generator would have been a problem.
   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #293  
Musk seeks to cut 10% of Tesla's workforce. Has Tesla hit its peak demand with orders and new orders are dwindling? That sure was quick, predicted, but quick.
   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #294  
There have been several studies done already that conclude that bottom line is: fosil fuels are much less damaging to the environment, way more efficient, and way cheaper. But that is not getting any attention because it is more politically correct to just keep throwing tax dollars at it & keep those in charge rolling in $$$, all this EV and global warming suff is nothing but a bunch of hipe by a small group of wealthy elites trying to get wealthier at the expence of the common man and the planet.

It's all a secret plot, the rising temperatures are your imagination, and the scientists are part of a plot involving millions but no one has fessed up, and it's likely the lizard people are involved.

Please folks. You can believe the scientists, or you can believe the disinformation on youtube and 4chan. So, some data points not promulgated by our reptilian overlords:
Remember: the companies sponsoring climate denial are making billions selling oil and coal; follow the money. Just like the tobacco companies tried to discredit the research on the hazards of smoking and chewing tobacco, and the asbestos producers kept quiet about the hazards of asbestos, and Dupont tried to discredit the research on the ozone hole that led directly to the phase-out of R12 and other ozone-depleting chemicals, the fossil fuel industry is trying to slow the phase out of such fuels.

- Bart
   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #295  
EV trucks have plenty of room for the 5000W Honda...
   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #296  
Did you still that idea from my post?
Of course not, but you have no idea what an inverter is…so I was just clarifying it for you. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about regarding solar system design or function. Maybe just stop posting?
   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #297  
That would be a compelling argument if you didn't mind living in the climate we had millions of years ago... Acting like we cruised through the climate swings of the last 500 million years when in fact humans have only existed for about 1/10 of a million year is silly.
I am still waiting on the history to prove that our earth is 500k years old never mind 500 million years! We can't prove in any way and especially in a scientific way that humans have existed 1/10th of a million years! Again no scientific proof what so ever.
   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #298  
As it happens, I *do* believe that science works and climate change is real. Anyone who actually lives on the land knows it is getting warmer. Anyone who has ever parked a car in the sun knows the greenhouse effect works. It takes a little more knowledge to understand why CO2 and methane function in the same way as glass regarding wavelength reflection, but anyone who can rebuild a tractor engine is capable of understanding it *if* they want to.
here is the math (if you believe in science)?

The main gases in the earth's atmosphere are nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and argon (0.93%). This leaves about 0.07 % of the atmosphere for all other gases which are mostly greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are therefore trace gases. Of the trace gases, about 95 % is water vapor. This varies a bit because of cloud cover and can also be reflective as opposed to holding in heat. This leaves about 5-10 % of greenhouse gases for CO2. Of this CO2 % about 5-6 % is anthropogenic i.e., So human caused CO2 is a trace of a trace gas occupying about 0.003-0.005 % of the atmosphere.

The Science also says that C02 levels increase with a warmer planet not the other way around (C02 causes global warming.)
   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #299  
With many manufacturers now advertising ev, even in trucks (Ford Lightning, CyberTruck, Rivian) would you invest in an EV vehicle? If everything moves to electric, when do you think you would switch to an ev -- or maybe Hybrid. The future of gas and diesel looks questionable.

I bought a new truck in 2021. Things are changing. The V8 engine is almost a thing of the past. When do you think, as you shop for a new vehicle, you will consider EV as your best choice? Will that happen when you want to keep your truck 6-8 years and gas stations might become difficult to find?

Then there are EV tractors.

Just curious. Thought this when looking for a new truck.
I have one, and our other is a PHEV. I also still have an old F150 I use almost never. EVs are terrible for towing. Otherwise, they're fantastic. Anyone that has two cars... One should be an EV. If you can live with 200 miles in a day, you can charge entirely at home.

Gas stations aren't going to be hard to find in 6-8 years. Maybe in 20 years. Pumps will decrease in number, but they'll still be there. They'll just add EV chargers.
   / Today, would you buy an EV vehicle. #300  
There is so many problem ahead of us in order to switch to electric vehicles even before getting to the grid problem and that’s not to say that it’s a small problem by any means, finding the resources and extracting these resources will be the first challenge and that’s a elephant on its own the production need to double to simply provide all Washington state with electric vehicles never mind the rest of the US or the world. What do you think these ressource will be mined with ??? fairy dust ? …

I recently read a article that put things in perspective, they calculated the amount of energy it take to extract and processed enough lithium for one car and converted this energy to what the oil quantity to match this energy and they kept breaking it down in barrel of oil equivalent for everything it took and it when down the list it was mind boggling. Unfortunately can’t find the article at this time but it was very interesting it said that in order for the EV to replace the all civilians vehicles today production energy equivalent need to increase by 100 fold and the oil relative energy at the same relative time (meaning the energy used 20 years after the first combustion car was invented) its relative energy consumption today only increased by 10 fold from then ….

I agree that a counter argument can be made with the last statement but this is only to put things in perspective… i will try to find this article …

I have nothing against electric vehicles I have something against taxing gas until we can afford it or simply getting force to buy electric vehicles before fixing all the kinks … like in 25 years 90% of our hydro dam will be over 90 years old when they where built to last 100 year with that being said remember that 25% of the USA electricity comes from Canada and 60% of Canada electricity comes from hydropower …

Anyways at the moment i rather buy a second hand car at $3000 or so that makes 30+ miles a gallon. For the price of a EV vehicle and the price of hydro in my province (the highest of all canada) I can buy a lot of gas.
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