True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple?

   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #51  
I did a diverter setup on my L45 on the curl function. If anyone is considering a diverter make 100% sure the function you plan to divert does NOT have regen. I need to replumb my setup to the lift function as my loader valve is always regen on dump and it makes the diverter virtually useless.

   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #52  
What's all the Insect Repellant for??? Didn't figure they had Insects down there in God's Country???? ;)
   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #53  
   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #54  
I did a diverter setup on my L45 on the curl function. If anyone is considering a diverter make 100% sure the function you plan to divert does NOT have regen. I need to replumb my setup to the lift function as my loader valve is always regen on dump and it makes the diverter virtually useless.


   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #56  
I need that switch! Where can I get one?
I guess KennyD didn't see your post, so I will answer: Ken's Bolt on Grab Hooks <<Hydraulics>>

   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #57  
I can't find the switch listed separately, only as part of the kit. Will e-mail him directly.
   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #58  
Sorry AW, Just saw this...
We do not sell the switch separately at this time.
   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #59  
Mcmaster has them. I think it is "B"?

They are made by a company in NJ. I tracked them down a few years back. I recall that Digikey had them too, but I have not looked there for them recently. You are looking for weather proof momentary switches. It is wise to add a diode to help protect the relay from the back current surge (look it up online, I know it is a problem, but am not an electrical guru - this is a commonly know thing in the electrical world from what I hear).
   / True 3rd function or diverter valve for grapple? #60  
Those prices are nuts. Tell ATV winch switch works really well....for $15.