UTV tire pressure?

   / UTV tire pressure? #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
I have noticed the rear of my Kawasaki Pro-Mx tends to squat more than the front. The rear tires are flatter than the fronts with the same air pressure. I realize that that most of the weight is in the back which would cause this.
I have adjusted the shocks, but could I run a higher tire pressure in the back, or would that be unwise? Would not the flatter tires cause a diameter issue in 4x4?

   / UTV tire pressure? #2  
You don't say what pressure you have in the tires, but if you increase the pressure above the recommended pressure you will likely create a crested or domed configuration which will lead to accelerated tire wear. I run my tires at 9lbs on my Polaris Ranger; find that works for me. Were I to load the dump body heavily, I would increase the rear tire pressure
   / UTV tire pressure? #3  
I run the tire pressure on our side by side at the recommended sidewall pressure unless I'm in adverse conditions like mud or sand and then I'll lower the pressure accordingly. I do the same deal with my 4x4 pickup truck.
   / UTV tire pressure?
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You don't say what pressure you have in the tires, but if you increase the pressure above the recommended pressure you will likely create a crested or domed configuration which will lead to accelerated tire wear. I run my tires at 9lbs on my Polaris Ranger; find that works for me. Were I to load the dump body heavily, I would increase the rear tire pressure
I'm running 10psi all around. The Mule Pro-Mx sits low in the back without any added weight. I have adjusted the preload in the back as much as possible to even it out. I will try adding some air, 18psi is max.

   / UTV tire pressure? #5  
I would not be adjusting tire pressure for the reason of making the stance of the UTV to look different.
   / UTV tire pressure? #6  
Can you adjust the preload in the front?
   / UTV tire pressure?
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I would not be adjusting tire pressure for the reason of making the stance of the UTV to look different.
It doesn't look too bad, but the rear tires squat much more than the fronts. Just wondering if others use different psi front to rear.
   / UTV tire pressure? #8  
Are they the original tires? Correct ply rating? Maybe the rears are just a flatter profile?
   / UTV tire pressure?
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Are they the original tires? Correct ply rating? Maybe the rears are just a flatter profile?
They are all 8-ply radial 28x10x14 Maxxis Carnivores.
   / UTV tire pressure? #10  
From what I could find, the original f/r tires were different sizes and the rears were a bit wider than the fronts. The wider rears would offer more load carrying capacity than the narrower fronts. If you changed to tires that are all the same size, I can understand why the rears squat a little more.

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