/ VERY VERY COLD #11  
Have you got everything plugged in or in a warm spot?
-2 here 12/20 6 am.....The Dodge fired right up.

I was impressed.
You need another DK65

   / VERY VERY COLD #12  

Take it from a canuck - it's all about layers. Two socks on each foot is better than one thick sock.

67 inside the house sounds just right for me. I almost died when I lived in Orlando for 2 years.

Wife wants to move to MS so which might be a good middle ground for both of us.

; )
   / VERY VERY COLD #13  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( -4 this morning and going up to 30 later in the day. When is spring coming? I have a lot of outside work to do. )</font>

Jim -- I personally really enjoy winter. The rest of the year those outside chores keep me going from sunup to sunset, but in winter I get to fire up the wood stove and play in my shop for hours on end. It's the only play time I get these days! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

   / VERY VERY COLD #14  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( From time to time, I like to tease you guys by slipping in a note about Florida weather when you're complaining about how it is Up North. But right now, I'm not happy with your weather, because it has spilled over. It has been COLD here for the last couple of days.

Now, let me hasten to say, it's certainly a different cold. It's currently 63 degrees at 10:00 AM, but the humidity is 72%, the dew point is 54, and it feels like the low 30's. And, that's really cold when you're used to high 70's! But, the real similarity is inside the house -- we're reluctant to fire up our expensive and inefficient electric hot air heat, so the temperature inside the house is 67 degrees at the moment and that, combined with the humidity, is probably colder than a lot of you guys Up North. I have on long pants and a sweat shirt for the first time this year, and I'm shivering.

Relief is on the way, however. They're promising 70's later today or tomorrow at the latest. C'mon down!

Don -- We heat with wood, and though we have a Monitor heater in the far end of the house, the Yankee thriftiness in us prevents my wife and I from using it much. We have the thermostat set at 54, except from 6-7 am when it nudges us up to 62.

Every other December we visit the father-in-law down in Daytona Beach. Coming from single digits to the fifties it feels like a heat wave to us. Tamara and I walk happily on the deserted beach, wearing shorts and t-shirts, while all the Floridians stare at us in horror from the comfort of their heated homes. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif

Of course come June, when the mercury climbs into the sixties, we Vermonters are sweating our buns off while all the tourists comment about the chilly I guess it works both ways.

   / VERY VERY COLD #15  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( TEMP GOT TO -2 DEG LAST NIGHT. althogh i did not have to plow went out and started the tractor, 10 sec on the glow plugs and she fired right up (tractor is kept in unheated garage) my question or comment is , i have never added anti gelling to diesel, why don't i have that problem and why do others have it? )</font>

Once the engine runs a while, most diesels bypass fuel back to the tank, & with the fuel tank behind the engine, they run ok one you get them up to temp. Unless you get the fuel filter out in the wind, no engine heat to it...

A diesel will run at 20 degrees, maybe 15 on straight #2 without gelling if you have a clean fuel filter.

I'll be because it was minus 2 outside, your shed was still above 10 degrees anyhow.

You might have a winter blend if you buy at the pump?

I usually get the tractor running in cold weather, the gelling shows up about 5 minutes later when I get out in the wind & I didn't let the engine warm up properly.

Some combo of the above let yours run fine.

   / VERY VERY COLD #16  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">(
Jim -- I personally really enjoy winter. The rest of the year those outside chores keep me going from sunup to sunset, but in winter I get to fire up the wood stove and play in my shop for hours on end. It's the only play time I get these days! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Pete )</font>


I don't really mind the winter. But my barn project is now on hold until spring. I need to shingle the south side of the barn roof. Shingles crack in this type of weather unless they are heated up. They would be cold by the time I climbed the ladder with them if I heated them up. Plus I want to pull all the siding off the south side of the barn to put on a layer of plwood and new pine siding. Then I need to replace all the flooring and floor joists on that side of the barn. Now maybe you might understand why I need spring to come soon. Then there is the old farmhouse project which I won't even get into at this point in time. That is where I will be spending my winter months restoring the inside of the place.
I also have a Monitor heater in my garage. It costs me about $5.00 day to heat my 26x30 2 story garage to 66 degrees 24/7. That is a very good heater.
   / VERY VERY COLD #17  
<font color="blue"> "Every other December we visit the father-in-law down in Daytona Beach. Coming from single digits to the fifties it feels like a heat wave to us." </font>

We hear that a lot from Winter visitors. However, I have to tell you that Daytona Beach is about 150 miles north of Vero Beach, and anything north of Vero Beach is "Up North" and waaaay too cold for us. We live about 20 miles south of Vero. Anything south of Vero is considered Tropical; it's roughly the line between plant zones 9 & 10.
  • Thread Starter
i always make sure to get fuel that is set for winter conditions, and i do buy road grade at the pump. from previous posts i think if the tractor starts and you let it warm up , jelling should not occour after that, or am i wrong on that?
   / VERY VERY COLD #19  
Argh! Essential outdoor chores in this type of weather are among the worst! When my wife and I are forced into heavy outside work this time of year mass quantities of beer are called for!

   / VERY VERY COLD #20  
I went to college in Daytona and have always said that it was "five years in Purgatory". It was 8 below this morning when I put the horses out. Maybe Purgatory wouldn't be so bad now. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif