WalMart Shoplifting

   / WalMart Shoplifting #81  
I'm not disagreeing, Shawn. Laws get very complicated, and of course, even lawyers and judges disagree on the interpretation in many cases. And in this case, you might find it necessary to define "search". Are we talking about comparing your receipt to the merchandise in the cart, or to the merchandise in a bag, or are we talking about searching your person.

It's been many years since I moonlighted for one of the bigger department stores in Dallas to apprehend shoplifters. And back then, I only arrested those whom I had observed conceal something, and I waited until they went through the door out of the store before arresting them. That kind of a search is very different from what Sam's Club or Walmart does at the door with one of their own employees; not a government or law enforcement agent.

So, nope, you're not compelled by any law to submit to a "search" by Walmart employees and they're not compelled to allow you to leave the store with any merchandise that wasn't paid for.

And as you said, neither of us are lawyers, but if you're searched by a Walmart employee, you can sue the company, and you'll have one lawyer saying they were wrong and another lawyer saying they were right, and a judge or jury will decide, and who knows what they'll decide.:D
   / WalMart Shoplifting
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I find it highly ironic that WalMart/Sams wants to check your receipt and purchases when leaving after you've paid when you might be stealing but then lets actual verified shoplifters go if it is less than $25:confused:
   / WalMart Shoplifting #83  
Skyco said:
I find it highly ironic that WalMart/Sams wants to check your receipt and purchases when leaving after you've paid when you might be stealing but then lets actual verified shoplifters go if it is less than $25:confused:

I certainly agree with that. Our Walmarts used to have signs in the restrooms and I've forgotten the exact wording but something to the effect that shoplifting is not a prank, but is a crime and that Walmart prosecutes all shoplifters. I knew the signs disappeared quite some time ago, but didn't know they'd quit prosecuting.
   / WalMart Shoplifting #84  
Bird said:
I've been known to be a bit of a "jerk" with a few of their other policies myself.:D After having been a regular customer in quite a few Walmarts, there was one (and only one) in which the cashier would ask to see my drivers license about every third time I was in there. No other Walmart had ever asked for other ID when I used a credit card. So I just wondered why, since it only happened occasionally, never when buying anything that cost more than a few dollars. So I sent an e-mail to Walmart's headquarters and a day or two later a fellow who identified himself as the manager of that store called me. He first told me they "always" asked when a credit card was used; a very obvious lie and I told him so. Then he told me they had to do it on every 5th customer; another lie. A couple of days later, a different fellow called and also identified himself as the manager of that store. He told me the computer randomly selected people to ask for ID. So the next time a cashier asked to see my drivers license, I said, "No" and walked out, leaving the merchanise sitting there (I hadn't yet scanned my credit card). No one in that store has ever asked to see ID since.:D

But then a brand new Walmart opened closer to our house, and lo and behold, the second fellow who called from the other store became the manager in the new store. So, sure enough, about the 3rd or 4th time I was in there, the cashier asked to see my drivers license. I told her, "Call your manager." So I got to meet him in person, and was never again asked for other ID.:D

I would think that asking for an ID while using a credit card is the right thing to do :confused:

How would they know who you are and that credit card is actually yours?
   / WalMart Shoplifting #85  
The only time that I get asked for my ID with my credit card is when they notice that the back is not signed, or occasionally when the purchase is over a hundred dollars.
   / WalMart Shoplifting
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I've become used to being asked for ID everytime at a few places I shop, Northern Tool and Sportsmans Warehouse are two examples. I don't have a problem with it.
Now what does irritate the daylights out of me is when the clerk swipes your card, watches you put it back in your wallet, watches you put the wallet back in your pocket, then asks for ID:mad:
   / WalMart Shoplifting #87  
BillyP said:
I would think that asking for an ID while using a credit card is the right thing to do :confused:

How would they know who you are and that credit card is actually yours?

Actually, it is (or was - haven't checked in a year or so) a violation of the Visa (and probably Mastercard) policy with merchants to ask for ID with a credit card purchase. The only verification is supposed to be signature. If your card is not signed, the merchant is 'supposed' to refuse it. (As an aside, putting "check id" or other such nonsense is against the cardholder agreement with the issuer.)

The credit card issuers don't want to make it any more difficult to use their product.

I personally don't always carry my wallet. But I do have my credit card. I refuse to shop in Staples because of the local store's policy to ask for ID with my Visa. So, I comparison shop there and when asked, tell Staples that I buy at Officemax instead for this reason.

This is as far as I know. I no longer am a cc merchant, so things may have changed. :) But it is a peeve of mine. :) :)

Have a good one,
   / WalMart Shoplifting #88  
BillyP said:
I would think that asking for an ID while using a credit card is the right thing to do :confused:

How would they know who you are and that credit card is actually yours?

I generally agree, and don't mind when stores ask for other ID, but I wanted to know why only that one Walmart asked for ID, why only about every 3rd or 4th time I was in there, and each time I noticed someone ahead of me use a credit card without being asked. And I'm not talking about large purchses; I'm talking about $10 -$15 worth of grocery type purchases.

And while asking for ID doesn't bother me in the least, they can't ask for ID at the gas pumps, for online purchases, etc. And to compare a signature on the back of the card with one on a receipt or machine is a joke; even document examiner experts are only guessing. The signature I scribble on receipts looks nothing like one I'd do sitting at a desk at home. And on the machines Walmart now uses for you to scan your own card and sign on the machine, I assume most people have noticed that it "accepts" your signature no matter what kind of mark you make.

In fact, the whole signature business is silly in this day and age, with gas pumps, Internet sales, etc. And a few stores have finally realized that and stopped even asking for signatures. Walgreen's Drug Stores being one example. The primary purpose of signatures was not to compare with the one on the back of the card, but was to show that you actually did make the purchase in the event that you challenged the charge on your credit card.
   / WalMart Shoplifting
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I've frequented many fast food places that no longer bother with a signature and even Home Depot in NC doesn't have you sign unless it is over $50 but the ones in SC have you sign every purchase- go figure.
I used to go buy stuff with a Visa Purchasing Card issued to my boss with his name on it. I can't tell you how many times I bought stuff for work with that card and the clerk compared my signature to his and never batted an eye:D
I've even had them request ID and never notice that his name on the card and mine on my drivers license were very different:eek:
They are just going through the motions apparently....brain in neutral.

The other one that gets me is when they want a phone number - like if you were up to something you would give them the correct number...

Years ago when pagers were common mine quit, went to the pager place to get another and they insisted on my SSN to replace my pager, I balked because the pager was leased by my employer not me. When the girl insisted I would NOT get the replacement pager without giving her my SSN I made one up and walked out with my new pager..:rolleyes:
   / WalMart Shoplifting #90  
Skyco said:
I've become used to being asked for ID everytime at a few places I shop, Northern Tool and Sportsmans Warehouse are two examples. I don't have a problem with it.
Now what does irritate the daylights out of me is when the clerk swipes your card, watches you put it back in your wallet, watches you put the wallet back in your pocket, then asks for ID:mad:

Yep.. that one burns me up too.. a few local stores operate that way..
