Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8?

   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #51  
We changed to Windows 7 from XP within weeks of its intro so not true.

I see... So your company didn't do any testing nor IT preparation and just jumped right into it even though they support 30,000 computers? Hmm... well my company, with 100,000 computers (Intel Corp.), will always customize some features and only roll it out to a select number of employees for testing first. Lead time is close to a year. So, sorry, but it was a true statement.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #52  
This is good.

Post more.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #53  
Apple is more; doubtless.

Paying Apple's price is worthwhile for its higher quality hardware and superlative operating system.

Switching from Microsoft to Apple will add years to your life.

Did I mention I have never had a virus invasion problem on my Mac?
I totally agree with all three points here... I was wondering how many posts it would take before Apple was mentioned. I finally switched after being a life long user of Windows and I am not looking back. You can always add a 'Parallels' desktop to run Windows 7 or 8 if you need windows for something. That is what I did. A MacBook is expensive but I don't see myself returning to Windows laptops/PCs anytime soon.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #54  
Can anyone tell me exactly what pieces of hardware are superior in Apple computers? I really don't know... And don't say "retina display" since that is only a question of how much you care to spend with either type of computer.

Why have you never had a virus invasion? Is it because the OS is superior? Or is it because Apple holds such a small piece of the desktop market? BTW, I haven't had one either, thanks AVG.

People brag about the number of Apps available to their iPhones, touting that as an advantage compared to Android. Yet, they make no mention of the astronomical amount of programs available to the PC as compared to the Mac. curious...
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #55  
Can anyone tell me exactly what pieces of hardware are superior in Apple computers? I really don't know... And don't say "retina display" since that is only a question of how much you care to spend with either type of computer.

Why have you never had a virus invasion? Is it because the OS is superior? Or is it because Apple holds such a small piece of the desktop market? BTW, I haven't had one either, thanks AVG.
I would suggest you spend a few hours on both a MacBook and a Dell and answer it for yourself. More solid frame, not as hot on your lap, quieter, thinner, solid state hard drive, faster boot up are a few things that I seriously appreciate about Apple. Not trying to pick a fight here. Like I said before, used many, many, windows products for years.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #56  
I would suggest you spend a few hours on both a MacBook and a Dell and answer it for yourself. More solid frame, not as hot on your lap, quieter, thinner, solid state hard drive, faster boot up are a few things that I seriously appreciate about Apple. Not trying to pick a fight here. Like I said before, used many, many, windows products for years.

Why did you pick a Dell for me to compare when there are so many other brands to choose from? Are all PC laptops the same?

Does Intel make a special, superior microprocessor just for Apple?

I didn't know Apple had the market on SSD's.

I'm learning a lot here. Thanks?

You're right, let's not pick a fight. Too easy to shoot this stuff down.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #57  
I would suggest you spend a few hours on both a MacBook and a Dell and answer it for yourself. More solid frame, not as hot on your lap, quieter, thinner, solid state hard drive, faster boot up are a few things that I seriously appreciate about Apple. Not trying to pick a fight here. Like I said before, used many, many, windows products for years.
Hmmm, we have a Macbook, various Dell Latitude laptops and a few Dell Ultrabooks at work.
The Dell Ultrabooks will knock the socks off of ANY other laptop we have in all the categories you mentioned above.
What is the difference? SSD drive, smaller frame with metal vs plastic. Are they perfect for everything? No, they have small screens (13") but for our purpose (mobile training lab) you can fit the whole lab in 3 bags (one bag for laptops, one for powerstrips/barcode scanners and one for the projector) vs 7 bags (4 bags for laptops, two for powerstrips/barcode scanners and one for the projector)

Try one, it will surprise you.

Aaron Z
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #58  
Buy a mac

I go back to a Apple Plus. I have tried windows on and off and they just keep missing the boat. Apple has been consistently dead on with quality product. It doesn't come cheap, but in a way I feel it is kinda like buying a honda. You basically get a very solid, reliable platform built with high quality parts supported by a strong network of dealers who are customer oriented. Macs are not flexible, you can't add and take away hardware with ease like PC's (both laptop and tower). But that difficulty leads to a solid platform with limited issues. They also have their foot on software developers necks (many of my development friends this is a bone of contention) but for me as a consumer, I can go to the ap store and feel confident I am going to get an application that does as advertised. Never felt that way in the windows world. So I give up flexibility for reliability and high quality, easy to use interface. What I spend additionally for this priviledge is made up for immediatly in reliability and limited down time.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #59  
Did you try any laptops with a touch screen?

No, I didn't try any; priced them and couldn't see how they'd be worth more to me. Of course I can understand them being worth more to some people.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #60  
And......when Apple upgrades its operating system it has always been an incremental improvement. Never a huge change at the upgrade, but improvement. Never retrograde.

I bought my first PC from IBM, I think the year was 1982, maybe 1983. It was about $3200 then, maybe the equivalent of $5,000 today? It occupied a lot of desk space. Memory was 640K on the old, large, floppy discs. Printer was dot matrix and LOUD. And, of course, the operating system was Microsoft DOS. When Lotus 1-2-3 came out, I was in high cotton.

Apple products do not seem expensive to me, given how well they work and my mixed experience with Microsoft software. At age 66 I want a computer that starts, runs, and does the job without my having to fool with it.
I did not go Apple until Excel became available as a seamless install on the Mac.

From what I read in the Financial news, Apple still has a small installed base, relative to Microsfoft, but what growth there is in the personal computer category is all in the Apple operating system. Microsoft retains a lock on the corporate market but home users are surging to Macs.

For a short period, when Apple's stock hit $700 per share, it was the most valuable public company in the USA.
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