Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8?

   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #61  
I had several pcs and windows was always changing and always problems. I have had a Macbook now for five years and all the upgrades just make it better, everything is seamless I'll never go back to PC. Life is to short to reboot.

I like the fact that each time I buy something new (router, appleTV, iPhone) everything is compatible and works great together without any learning curves.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #62  
Well, after much reading on the Internet, and visiting a couple of Best Buy stores, as well as talking to some other people besides our membes here on TBN, it seemed that the more I "researched" the more confused I got:laughing:; too many choices. But tonight I called Hewlett-Packard direct for a couple of questions, and I ordered a new HP Pavillion 17z-e000 laptop with Windows 8, so I'll have something new to learn.:laughing: I'll supposedly have 21 days from the time I receive it to decide whether I want to keep it, or send it back.

Since it is only 3 days till 8.1 is available, I suggest you call HP back and make sure they put 8.1 in your unit before shipping to you. They already have 8.1. You don't want to mess with the update yourself. Windows 8 doesn't even have the Windows Live Mail that you have become used too. You have to download Essentials and install it, if you want a copy of your mail on the computer rather than in the cloud.
I installed the Live Mail in the unit I bought my wife, but 8.1 will come with it already installed.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8?
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So how much is a Mac laptop?
We have a 17" screen HP now with Windows 7 but it's a couple of year sold and time for a change.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #65  
So how much is a Mac laptop?

It's very very expensive and the only time they are on sale is around Black Friday/Monday and then the savings are only minimal and just on certain models. You can get them in many configurations so your preferences will dictate the price. The Best Buys and the Apple Store all have the same price but the Apple Store I found is more knowledgable and can help with the switch. The Apple store also sells refurbished models with the same warranty.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #66  
Since it is only 3 days till 8.1 is available, I suggest you call HP back and make sure they put 8.1 in your unit before shipping to you. They already have 8.1. You don't want to mess with the update yourself. Windows 8 doesn't even have the Windows Live Mail that you have become used too. You have to download Essentials and install it, if you want a copy of your mail on the computer rather than in the cloud.
I installed the Live Mail in the unit I bought my wife, but 8.1 will come with it already installed.

Ron, that sounds like a good suggestion, but unfortunately, can't do. The young fellow who answered all my questions and took the order was careful to be sure we had everything the way we wanted because he said he cannot change the order once it's placed. But he did tell me to keep all the packaging, because I have 21 days from the day I receive it to decide whether I want to keep it or send it back.

And yes, I've become "used to" Windows Live Mail, even though I've never liked it, still don't, and was very disappointed when I learned Outlook Express, which I did like, was not included in Windows 7, so I'm hoping Essentials isn't too much worse than Live Mail.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #67  
Ron, that sounds like a good suggestion, but unfortunately, can't do. The young fellow who answered all my questions and took the order was careful to be sure we had everything the way we wanted because he said he cannot change the order once it's placed. But he did tell me to keep all the packaging, because I have 21 days from the day I receive it to decide whether I want to keep it or send it back.

And yes, I've become "used to" Windows Live Mail, even though I've never liked it, still don't, and was very disappointed when I learned Outlook Express, which I did like, was not included in Windows 7, so I'm hoping Essentials isn't too much worse than Live Mail.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained." It would certainly be worth a phone call in my opinion. I imagine they would rather do that than have you ship it back. When you ship something back, even for a warranty repair, you may get an older refurbished unit in place of the new one. A friend of mine had that happen on a month old new pc and if you read the warranty it is legal to do so.
Live Mail is part of the "Essentials" download and you can select to install it all or just the Live Mail. Look it up on the Microsoft site as it is all explained there.
You might have to do a few more clicks to get it to work. Here is basically what I did by following this guys method.
My wife already had a hotmail account so W-8 found it and set up the Live Mail automatically.
How To Install Windows Mail On Windows 8 For POP And IMAP | Freelance Doodle
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #68  
Ron, my order shows it's expected to ship on Oct. 23, so I did call and they really couldn't tell me for sure, but said it may come with 8.1, but even if it doesn't, that 8.1 will be an automatic update if you set it up for Microsoft to do automatic updates (I know some don't want the automatic updates, but I did that now with Windows 7).
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #69  
Ron, my order shows it's expected to ship on Oct. 23, so I did call and they really couldn't tell me for sure, but said it may come with 8.1, but even if it doesn't, that 8.1 will be an automatic update if you set it up for Microsoft to do automatic updates (I know some don't want the automatic updates, but I did that now with Windows 7).

I hope, and think, they are wrong about 8.1 being part of automatic updates.
It is much bigger than the Service Pak concept used in the past.
The 64 bit version, which is the most frequent version of Windows supplied by OEM's anymore
is touted to be 3.7 Gig and will take many hours to download via satellite. With the routine momentary drops in connection from everything from the weather to too many folks trying to use a resource in space at the same time, even getting a clean, complete copy that will install properly has me scared.

I have already downloaded 20 some update Apps from the Windows store and a bunch of driver updates from Dell on the Windows 8 unit I got last week, just for the existing out of date stuff originally installed on the unit. There are 4 more updates showing in the "Microsoft Store" box on the Start Window showing this morning, that they think are important to get the pc up to date.They may be some of the junk Apps, like E-bay and Amazon which I don't use and haven't figured out how to delete yet.
Any external devices you use like printers, scanners, etc. have to have the drivers downloaded as well.
New computers are always out of date when purchased and it is normal to do this. To make more profit the OEM's have really stripped about all the software they used to include. That is a good thing, in my opinion, but they have really gotten cheap on things like Virus software which they used to give you for a year; now it is 30 days.
A trial of "Microsoft Office" is about the only other software on there. I use the free "Open Office " so that doesn't interest me and I'll try to transfer the remaining days of the Virus program from the old pc once 8.1 is installed and working.
I guess all this is still somewhat relevant to the original subject of the thread.
   / Want a new laptop but do I want Windows 8? #70  
My take on the whole Mac vs. PC thing: People with PC's use them as a means to an end, to get something done. They don't chime into debates nearly as often as Mac users do because they simply don't care. OK, I'm an exception. Mac people seem much more adamant about defending their choice of computer brand. Hey, look at my computer instead of hey, look at what I've accomplished. My brother loves Macs, but his computer expertise is very limited because of that and who does he go to for help when his router doesn't work or he can't rip movies or download from his movie camera or copy music? He goes to the PC user.

If you want to stay on the cutting edge of what computer hardware and software can do, you'll have to stay tuned to the technology, that means change and learning. You can only do that with PC machines because of the sheer number of manufacturers and engineers who are constantly improving the technology. There isn't just one CEO giving the green light to what he thinks will sell. Not to say you can't stick with your old PC for as long as you want. If you don't want to stay abreast, that's fine. If you will be satisfied with what you bought and need nothing more and are happy with a single mouse button then Mac is for you.

I will give Apple credit for making the whole world think that the only laptops in the world are Apple brand due to the amount of money they pay for product placement in any TV show or movie. There are reasons, however, why Apple only enjoys 11% of the computer market. If they're that good, you'd think they would have the 89% share instead.
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