Welding Helmet Light

   / Welding Helmet Light #21  
I like the drawing a line on the seam idea. But I can't find any color that shows up on bare steel or millscale. Or it's too oily for a marker.

One thing that may not help me. My Contact lense practitioner has me wearing different prescriptions in each eye to help with close and far away sight. I guess you can wear glasses under a welding hood. I should get a pair that corrects both eyes to the distance of the welding work.
   / Welding Helmet Light #22  
ON you oily surfaces, quick wipe down with quick drying solvent...

I use these all the time, I usually get them in a 2 pack, one white, one black.... Whites shows up good on dark rusty metal, and black shows real good on really clean (sander/flapdisk clean ) metal... Does no interfere with weld quality ...


And the come in black, blue. yellow, red and green... In US they are predominately in hardware stores that sell Forney welding products....

   / Welding Helmet Light #23  
ON you oily surfaces, quick wipe down with quick drying solvent...

I use these all the time, I usually get them in a 2 pack, one white, one black.... Whites shows up good on dark rusty metal, and black shows real good on really clean (sander/flapdisk clean ) metal... Does no interfere with weld quality ...


And the come in black, blue. yellow, red and green... In US they are predominately in hardware stores that sell Forney welding products....


Interesting, worth a try. My big issue is light as the post kind of started. The barn at the new house is get plenty of light. I find the 5000K LED lights help a lot.
   / Welding Helmet Light #25  
For a slim line that glows well during your weld, Look up Silver Streak or even Silver Pencils. Works great with Plasma and oxy-fuel as well. Check it out.
   / Welding Helmet Light
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For a slim line that glows well during your weld, Look up Silver Streak or even Silver Pencils. Works great with Plasma and oxy-fuel as well. Check it out.

I have the worst time refilling those pencils.
   / Welding Helmet Light
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The embarrassing part is I really like the way they mark and have been using them for years. I should take the time and figure out how to load them properly.

Maybe YouTube or something.
   / Welding Helmet Light #29  
The refills can be a bit fragile. I break a few as well.
   / Welding Helmet Light #30  
I find the silver grease pencil or sharpie do not stand out on most new (with mill scale) steel.

Also the silver streak never really has a point for accurate marking. You only dare to have a mm or two sticking out of the holder.