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   / Well #41  
Yes, obviously, among other things. And so what, You're going to sanction me for asking that other members follow the rules that are part of the membership agreement we all acknowledged when becoming members?:confused3::duh:

Go find someone else to pester.

And while you're at it why not go over to the MF forum and impart you childlike wisdom about your grade school recurring nightmares about having to sit in the back of class wearing the pointy headed cap every day.:wave:
   / Well #42  
Yes, obviously, among other things. And so what, You're going to sanction me for asking that other members follow the rules that are part of the membership agreement we all acknowledged when becoming members?:confused3::duh:

Go find someone else to pester.

And while you're at it why not go over to the MF forum and impart you childlike wisdom about your grade school recurring nightmares about having to sit in the back of class wearing the pointy headed cap every day.:wave:

:laughing::eek::laughing:You are sumting else.
   / Well #43  
Wrong! No surprise there. I did not 'start' anything, nor was I the first to mention that this is a tractor site. I do however take personal responsibility for what and WHERE I post on these forums, you who seem to want to deem me as the 'police' ought to try it sometime. I am not unreasonably harsh nor am I demanding strict adherence. I am saying there are specific forums in TBN where personal issue sharing is meant to be shared. I spend most of my time in the posts of the day because I can't stand all the gibberish that goes on in the Kioti owning/operating forum anymore. The absolute lack of discipline is exactly why I go to the trouble to mention this, with the hope it might get through to some. Evidently the Ford and LS, Deere and Kubota brand owners know what's going on in the Kioti forum better than those who frequent it most.:confused2:
'I got what I deserved?!' What is this kindergarten?

BTW, there are at least 45 forums on TBN and one specifically for sharing personal issues as already mentioned, for the uninformed:
Post about births, deaths, memorials, anniversaries, weddings, military joinings, retirements, and all other celebrations in your life!

This is where those posts would get the most congrats, sympathy, etc.
This is not you jumping in whining and crying and trying to tell people where and how they should post? OK.. my bad then. I guess with your superior intelligence and our 'child like wisdom' we should all just bow down and except your ranting tongue lashings with a 'Thank you sir, may I have another?' ...

   / Well #44  
The absolute lack of discipline is exactly why I go to the trouble to mention this, with the hope it might get through to some.

I don't think anyone on this site asked you to be their surrogate father...or for that matter your judgement on their "childlike wisdom" You sound like the classic 'victim' personality...If you don't like a post, you have the freedom to either ask an admin to move/remove it where it is merited, or to simply not read and *swallows hard* move on with your life. You have posted more of the nonsense that you're seeking to quell here than anyone else, and as such maybe you should begin your censorship campaign with yourself.

Sent from my LGL35G using TractorByNet
   / Well #45  
:hissyfit: CM, If the shoe fits wear it!

" I ask that other members follow" ???? WTF are you??! Should be a Who song.
I believe I was post # 2 so you are following me.

Grow up murph.

I said: I ask that 'members' post where appropriate....
If you're going to quote me, do so accurately, or not at all.
Your acronym for bad language is also against TBN policy, as if you didn't know....

Hey Einstein, Murph DID quote you correctly.

//snip//HOWEVER as a member here I ask that other members follow the simple basic rules //snip//

If you have the right to "ask" other members to follow the simple basic rules - then we have the right to "ask" you to refrain from TROLLING.

Yes, I said it.
   / Well #46  
Isnt one of the rules to 'be polite'? Several have broken that rule.
   / Well #48  
This is not you jumping in whining and crying and trying to tell people where and how they should post? OK.. my bad then. I guess with your superior intelligence and our 'child like wisdom' we should all just bow down and except your ranting tongue lashings with a 'Thank you sir, may I have another?' ...


Whatever works. I said nothing about how anyone should post, just WHERE one is supposed to post.
All you bad boy types with your no one is gonna tell me what to do ought to go back to wherever you usually hang out on TBN and let those of us who want to discuss our tractors do so.
This is an argument you will never win, so give up and move on so your egos don't get totally deflated.
   / Well #49  
So...is that what is meant by "highjacking a thread"? :confused3:

Good news Nathan! :cool2:
   / Well #50  
I don't think anyone on this site asked you to be their surrogate father...or for that matter your judgement on their "childlike wisdom" You sound like the classic 'victim' personality...If you don't like a post, you have the freedom to either ask an admin to move/remove it where it is merited, or to simply not read and *swallows hard* move on with your life. You have posted more of the nonsense that you're seeking to quell here than anyone else, and as such maybe you should begin your censorship campaign with yourself.

Sent from my LGL35G using TractorByNet

You too miss the point completely!:confused2: If you are searching for a surrogate father this is NOT the place to look; but maybe you're so confused since everyone seems to post where ever their whim leads them to now, that no one knows where to post about any subject. I have the freedom to say that I don't need to bring to the attention of the admin every time someone like you goes off the reservation and posts in the wrong forum. It is expected of all members to follow the agreed to rules as part of the terms of use of TBN. Not my rules, but A MUCH BETTER SITE ALL ROUND IF SOME MORE WERE TO FOLLOW THEM.
Ever notice that upon occasion the admin moves someone's thread/post to what is deemed by them to be the appropriate forum?!
Feel free to return to the Deere forums and fulfill your need for a surrogate father, and look up what censorship means, it certainly does not apply here; unless what you say is somehow in some twisted way meant to censor me. Good luck.
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