What is some of your Pet Peeve's

   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #491  
Waiting for doctors to come to exam room.

Had an appointment today to assess if I need cataract surgery. Appointment was at 9:30AM, but I got there at 9:20, checked in and was given two more pages of questions to be filled out. Tech came out and took me for three different kinds of scans at 10:15, then back to waiting room. Nurse (tech?) took me to exam room, vision tests and dilating drops administered, and she left at 10:50, told me the doctor would be in a "few minutes." Doctor finally showed up at 11:35, rushed through his exam, answered a few questions and was gone in 10 minutes. Stood in line to check out for another 5 minutes, the lady looked over my paperwork and said you're good to go. So I was there over 2 1/2 hours for maybe 30 minutes of actual testing and exams.

Last July, when I went to my regular ophthalmologist, after the assistant did the eye chart tests and administered the dilating drops, I sat there for a full hour before the doctor came in. She gave no reason for the delay, and I was too mad to make a comment.

One the other hand, for my six month checkup, my MD came into the exam room about 5 minutes after the nurse did the initial interview and BP check. I was in and out in ~30 minutes, including time in the waiting room.

The specialist said at this point, my cataracts aren't bad enough that I would notice much difference after the replacement, so I'll wait a couple more years or so.
Day of surgery can be more frustrating... sad to say.

We will not even give times for patient to check in as that information comes direct from Doctor's office and only for eye patients... as contrast to all other surgery such as plastic, knee, shoulder etc.

Our Thursday eye surgeon typically has 18 cataract patients and alternates between two adjacent operating rooms with 2 complete surgical teams.

First patients tend to show up extra early on their own... a little after 6 am is not unusual as transportation, etc had to be worked out.

Doctor never arrives before 8:30 and that is entering the building.

As the morning progresses the schedule tends to grow and patients waiting in the lobby start to fidget and this is after check in which can be 5 minutes or 30 minutes if language is a barrier, etc.

About 9:30 patients start coming up asking what's the hold up...saying my surgery is suppose to start and I have only been checked in...

By 10 I'm doing my standup routine trying to placate the masses...

Sometimes a patient will leave and sometimes we get complaints as a facility yet we have zero input on arrival or surgeon arrival or delays...

Once I approached the surgeon saying a patient is demanding to see you now and is going to walk out. Doc said do you think knowing this helps my day?

He said a procedure takes as long as it takes... there is no rushing and patients from mid 40's to 100 don't all react the same...

The one thing I do know is we always see them again for the other eye...

PS... if I were having the procedure from a high volume surgeon I would select the second or third slot... don't want to be first and later down the line more risk of delays plus if you are fasting it can make you cranky not eating since the night before.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #492  
Spending 10 minutes behind some poor fool who can't afford to play the state lottery at the gas station waiting to pay for something when there is only one persson working at the cash register.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #494  
The specialist said at this point, my cataracts aren't bad enough that I would notice much difference after the replacement, so I'll wait a couple more years or so.
Same here. Good thing since I have astigmatism, which makes for a more complicated procedure and much more expensive...not all of which is covered by insurance.
Wife had cataract surgery a couple years ago, and now only needs glasses for reading. Would be nice to be able to ditch these coke-bottle glasses I've needed since I was about 10...
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #495  
I had both eyes done in January with multi-focal lenses. Real happy with them. I only use the lowest power Walmart readers If it's extremely small print or I'll be reading for a long time. I do have halo's around certain types of lights at night, but hasn't been anything I can't deal with and I'd do it again.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #496  
Almost 100% as far as repeat customers.

We have 2 operating rooms just dedicated to eyes.

Eye procedures are one of the few we get feedback as staff when the patient returns to have the other eye done.

It's been life changing in all the good ways to the extreme where people have been able to leave assisted living and return to their homes only because of vision improvement.

As with all procedures it is sound to consider options.

The best candidates tend to have stable prescriptions making correction the longest lasting

I'd say number 1 reason for many is DMV vision test...
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #497  
Yesterday I bought 4 medium size SS bowls.
They had labels that described them etc that also kept them bundled together.
Inside was a label that repeated the same info. Turn it over and same on the bottom. Bowl on top, on the bottom, bowls in the middle.
Had to soak them in extreme hot water with soap for over half an hour before trying to peel the labels off.
From star it took me about an hour to finish.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #498  
Tech support that cannot answer your question. Argh.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #499  
I changed Internet providers because they used off shore Tech support.
No problem them being from somewhere else. A bit of accent? Who cares.
For the life of me I couldn't understand what they were saying.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #500  
Yesterday I bought 4 medium size SS bowls.
They had labels that described them etc that also kept them bundled together.
Inside was a label that repeated the same info. Turn it over and same on the bottom. Bowl on top, on the bottom, bowls in the middle.
Had to soak them in extreme hot water with soap for over half an hour before trying to peel the labels off.
From star it took me about an hour to finish.
Packaging for SD cards, USB thumb drives, etc.
When you damn near have to destroy the product to get it out of the packaging, someone in the packaging design department needs to be kicked in the behind.